Chapter 1: Bourbon Brown Eyes

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March 27, 2009

Christian POV;

My eyes flicker up to the clock once again, five minutes left. Then I'm done with work for the day and only have to make one quick stop at Escala to get a change of clothes before I have to head to Metropolitan Grill for dinner with a prospective submissive. When Elena first recommended her to me I was hesitant to say the least. It had only been a few days since I ended things with my most recent submissive, Emily, and the way Elena described her was so different from any of the other fourteen women I've been with. All I know of her from Elena's email is that she's younger, five years younger to be exact. I can infer she enjoys art, as Elena met her while visiting an art museum last weekend. Physically she's small, and a brunette, just like all the others. Elena is well aware of my preferences. Elena seems to favor her over any of the other woman she's recommend to me before, which I find intriguing to say the least. She described her as one of the most lovely girls she's ever seen. In addition to being beautiful, Elena also described her as someone who seems to have a dark soul. That's what really got my attention. I've been filled with wonder all day, thinking of Elena's intriguing description of Mrs. Leila Williams, almost to the point of distraction, as I've waited for the day to end. I'm so deep in my thoughts I barely even notice when everyone starts packing their things to leave. My eyes flicker back to the clock one last time, confirming that my five minutes have passed, thus concluding my final meeting of the day. I almost jump out of my seat and quickly make my way out of the building and into the car with Taylor. "Before dinner I need to make a quick stop at Escala." I remind Taylor. "Sir." He nods swiftly and begins the short drive to Escala.

The Metropolitan Grill is particularly busy tonight, practically bursting with life as people come in and out. An overly loud couple passes me and I watch them, absentmindedly. The woman appears to be incredibly intoxicated. She has her arm linked with his almost forcefully as they walk, her nails digging into his skin, but her partner doesn't seem to mind. He laughs along with her, then scoops her up into his arms and carries her to the car. Once they've disappeared from view I spot another couple as they walk into the restaurant. Now that I think about it there seems to be a lot of couples here. It must be date night. "Sir, are you alright? You've been sitting in the car an awfully long time." Taylor asks, snapping me out of my trance. "Yes, of course." I respond, as confidently as I can manage. "I don't mean to pry, sir, but you seem....... nervous, maybe. Is something going on?" He questions. "I'm fine, just trying to gather my thoughts. I've had an off day." I pause for a moment, looking through the window into the restaurant. I spot a brunette woman sitting at the bar, clicking her heels together. That must be Leila. "I should be going now, I'm meeting someone." I hop out of the car without waiting for his response. I walk to the door in four long strides, then I'm inside.

My feet carry me forward, approaching the bar. As I get closer my nose picks up a new scent, something almost sickeningly sweet and minty. The combination is wonderful. I take another step forward and inhale deeply before my brain registers that sweet fragrance I'm smelling is her. I take the seat next to her and stare first at the glass in her hand, then my eyes trail downwards, over her deep violet blouse, her fitted black skirt, all the way down to her dainty feet encased in open toed heels. When my eyes finally make their way back up her body her wide bourbon brown eyes meet mine and I gasp. Elena was right. She is beautiful, exceptionally so. "You must be Leila. I'm Christian." A small smile appears on her stunning face. "Of course... Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Grey." Her tongue glides over her lower lip briefly and I feel my cock harden in response. "The pleasure's all mine." With a smirk, I offer my hand to her and she tentatively takes it. "Finish your drink." I command, standing up and sliding my wallet out of my pocket. As I pay for her drink, she swallows the remainder of her drink in one quick gulp, following my order. "Come." She rises from her seat and steps beside me. "Lead the way, Sir." She gives me a conspiratorial look, then turns her eyes down to the floor. I lead her into the furthest corner of the room and stop in front of the very back table. I reserved it in advance for our meeting. I courteously pull her chair out a few inches from the table for her. "Sit." I gesture to the empty chair. She steps in front of me, momentarily giving me a sensational view of her delectable ass that's barely contained in her tight mini skirt, then she bends over and positions herself in her seat. She sits on the edge of the chair, perfectly poised. I push her chair in, until she's pressed against the table, then I take a seat in the chair across from her.

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