Chapter 8: Christians Birthday

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June 18, 2009

Christian's Pov;

The smell of baking fills the hallways, bringing happy memories to mind. The crack whore, my birth mother, used to bake sometimes. It's one of the only happy moments I can recall from my childhood. The smell of chocolate cake is sensational. It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I exit my study and begin to make my way towards the kitchen where Leila is busy baking away. She's making me a birthday cake per her own request not mine.

"What's your favorite kind of cake?" She asked while laying on her side on the bed of my playroom. "Chocolate." I answer her question without thinking. Chocolate cake has always been my favorite. Ever since I was a little kid. "Why do you ask?" I continue to rub ointment on her backside in slow circular motions. After care is extremely important after we've been in the playroom. Especially when our playtime gets rough as it did today. "I would like to bake you a cake for your birthday. If that's okay." For my birthday? How does she know when my birthday is? I've certainly never told her. I already have to deal with plenty of unnecessary celebration from my family. I don't want any more celebration than absolutely necessary. My birth is not something to celebrate. Although...The thought of Leila in my kitchen baking is the best present I could ask for on that dreaded day. "Yes. I think I'd like that." I accept her offer, knowing she wont be overbearing with it like my parents and siblings are. She wants to please me and I know that she will. Preferably in the playroom, after the cake has been baked and eaten.

She hums as she washes the cake batter coated dishes, hips swaying side to side to an unknown beat. I watch from where I'm standing just at the edge of the room. She turns just her head to the side to look at me and smiles, noticing me staring. Then she turns back to the dishes to finish washing up. "Your cake will be done soon. Only about five more minutes. Then I can cool it and put the icing on." She says, her voice remaining sweet and passive. She doesn't look at me as she speaks, she just washes the dishes. "Good. I can't wait to taste it." I smile, my eyes wandering down to her partially exposed ass. She's wearing just a simple t-shirt that's now been splashed with water and cake mix and lace panties. Just as I expected her to be. When she finishes with the dishes she wipes down the counter, then dries her hands. "Go get changed into some clean clothes. The cake should be done by the time you get back." I tell her, looking her up and down. She even managed to get cake batter on her legs. How she can get so messy I'll never understand. It's just the way she is, I suppose. "Yes, Sir." She patters on out of the kitchen towards her bedroom, bare feet smacking the floor all the way.

I retrieve a glass out of the cupboard and pour myself a drink of bourbon. Then I take it back to my study with me. I can hear Leila banging around in the kitchen as I type away at my computer. I've been trying to settle this trade deal for weeks, but it keeps falling through. It's frustrating as hell. I find myself finishing off my glass of bourbon in two drinks, and I call for Leila to come to my study. "Yes, master?" She stands just in the doorway, her small body leaning against the door frame. "Fetch me another drink." I command, holding the empty glass out to her. She takes it and does as she's told. She returns a few moments later, drink in hand. "Here." She sets it on my desk right beside the computer. She hovers at my side for a minute, watching me curiously. "Go, Leila. I want to be alone right now." She doesn't budge at my harsh words and anger flares inside of me. "Do I have to tell you again?" My palm twitches at the thought. She needs to do as she's told. It's not difficult. Yet she tests me at every chance. "No, Sir." She slowly turns and walks out of the room. She leaves me to myself for only about an hour and a half before she makes a return in the doorway.

I can tell she's there by the sound of her feet shifting against the floor as she leans on the door frame. "What do you want, Leila?" I ask, not bothering to even look at her. "I brought you cake." She says, sweetly, taking a few steps to approach me. Ah, yes. The cake I've been waiting for all day is finally done. She offers a plate to me with a thick slice of chocolate cake on it, still warm from being near the oven. "Mhmm...Smells great." I take a whiff of it's chocolaty scent and smile to myself. She slides down onto my lap and wiggles her ass on me. I raise my eyebrows at her in response and she stops moving. Instead she inches her fingers towards my plate with the cake on it, and I watch her, wondering what she's going to do. She dips her finger in the layer of icing atop the slice of cake and drags it into a heart shape, then she licks the icing off her finger. She doesn't take her eyes off me as she sucks at her finger, hard, and my cock hardens in response. I eye the little heart she's drawn into my icing for a moment. Then I take a bite of my cake. It tastes just as good as it smells, possibly even better. "Does Master like?" She whispers, her lips just barely brushing my ears. "I do, very much." I take a few more bites, finishing off the cake. Then I turn to look at Leila. Her eyes are cast down as they should be, but her lips remain turned up in a slight smile. "Happy Birthday, Master." She says, her voice soft and loving. I then lean in and kiss her smooth lips. She tastes good, sweeter than my birthday cake. I bite down on her lower lip hard and she moans. My eyes meet hers just for a moment as she tilts her head back, then she closes them. Ready for what's to come.

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