The New Professor

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     The moment the letter came Harry's mind was already racing. Harry was excited but questioned how Hogwarts could be the same. Dumbledore was dead. Professor McGonagall was now headmistress. Slughorn was teaching potions. And this year, like every year, they would get a new DADA teacher.

      That worried him the most. Would it be another spy from the Ministry? A death eater in disguise, bent on revenge? Just a terrible teacher? Or maybe a rare, good teacher.

      As he thought, Hermione and Ron were busy looking through their letters. Molly was bursting with happiness when she saw both Ron and Hermione made Head Boy and Girl.

      In his own letter Professor McGonagall had written him a little note. I thought of making you Head Boy, but you love trouble far too much. Do me a favor though, try not to drag those two too far out of line.

     He couldn't help but smile when he remembered the note. He was happy for his friends. He was actually quite glad he didn't have all the extra responsibilities. He couldn't wait for next week. On September 1st he would board the train at Kings Cross, despite all he's lost, and live his life.


     When a goddess materializes in the Big House and specifically asks for you, you tend to curse your luck into the bowels of Tartarus. As he walked through the door way, he saw her. Hecate. Her eyes churned from a misty green to an enchanting purple. Swirling around like some grotesque mixture.

     He stood in front of, waiting to be addressed. "Nico,"  her voice resonating throughout the room, "I have a quest for you." Nico looked up at her, his attitude now foul.

       "I don't believe I am allowed to deny your request, am I?" Her glare was all the answer he needed.

       The Giant War just ended and Nico had only recently been released from the Infirmary, and he still felt like shit, mind you. Saving the dam world was nothing, obviously. The gods always wanted more. Nico could feel his unresolved anger crawling beneath my skin.

     Hecate sighed. "I know how it must seem with us gods always being so demanding of you. If there was a better person I could choose, I would. Sadly there is not. However I can promise you one thing. The quest I am giving you is more of a task, so to say. It should not be dangerous. The place I am sending you is strongly protected and a majority of monsters will not be able to reach you. The downside is this quest will require your devotion for the entire school year. And possibly the next."

     Nico was curious now but when he heard the length of the quest he gaped at her. She said school year. SCHOOL year. Thatbmeant she was probably sending him to school. And he would be there for months.

     Never the less he held my tongue. Blowing up on a magical goddess is never a good idea.

     "Now," she continued (ignoring his annoyance), "There are many reasons why I chose you. You see, because of your time in the underworld, you knoe I have my own little world that I maintain to keep me from fading. This world recently went through a war that centered around a particular school called Hogwarts." She explained.

     "The young witches and wizards of this school were strongly affected by the war and do not no how to cope. I am sending you there to help them."

     "And why would any of your little wizards listen to me?" he asked.

     "Simple. When you go I will send you as a teacher not a student."

     "Seriously? So instead of hanging around a bunch of snotty brats now I have to teach them!" Nico yelled.

     "You shouldn't call them snotty brats they have been through war." Hecate sighed.

      "Percy has been through two and Tartarus and he's still a snotty brat!" Hecate didn't seem to be able to argue with his logic so she just sighed again.

     "Yes the spot you will be filling will be the Defence Against the Dark Arts post. I will give you knowledge modify your age  a little so you appear older. I will also prepare robes, a wand, and other essentials to help you blend in. I will also bless you so you can use proper magic."

      "If you do your job properly you might only have to remain at the school for one year. If not, well, I hope you enjoy teaching. Besides I'm sure you will make an excellent teacher."

_--_--_--_--_Time skippiddy_--_--_--_--_--_

     After his talk with Hecate Nico trudged to his cabin dismayed. She had already given him his wand and robes. His robes were nice but he thought wearing them would make him look stupid. They would accommodate his size even if he were to shrink or grow taller, which he probably will considering she hadn't adjusted his age yet. Nico's wand was 9 1/4 inch Aphosel wood, with a jackal bone and thresal hair core.

      While Nico was walked he bumped into someone. He was about to look up and throw them his signature glare at whoever it was but when his eyes met the brilliant blue orbs his stomach erupted into butterflies. The eyes belonged to Will Solace, a son of Apollo. Ever since the three days in the Infirmary he had noticed he gained a liking for the boy. He would never admit it though. He didn't need another Percy in his life.

     Will was standing in front of his cabin. Waiting for him Nico assumed. Nico immediately hardened his face into it's neutral, grumpy expression.

     "What do you want, Solace?" He asked, trying to not sound like a complete ass.

     "Oh just waiting. You may not be in​ my care anymore, but it doesn't mean I don't care. I wanted to check on you," he replied with a flawless smile. A smile that faltered slightly in his next words, "I heard you got called to the Big House. Everything okay?"

     "I'm assuming you would want to know, well, I got myself another quest." He tried to hold the disdain in my voice back. Nico loved seeing him smile, he didn't want to worry him.

"Oh." He seemed kind of disappointed. "How long is it? The quest, I mean."

      Nico sighed. "The entire school year. Possibly the next one too. It's not supposed to be dangerous though.

     The more Nico tried to explain the quest the more Will's face seemed to drop. Nico felt a weight in his chest. He hated himself for making Will sad. Will had been trying so hard to try and befriend bhim, but Nico didn't know why he cared do much though.

     "Have you told the anyone else yet?" Will asked quitly.

      "No, I still have a week left before I'm due to leave, but..." Nico huffed. "While I'm on my quest I not supposed to message anybody. I go off map, incognito, gone."

     He looked at me. Eyes wide and sad. I could practically see him breaking. "Oh," he whispered. He than put on another face, his doctor face. "Since you will be away I will need to give you one last checkup. I will also prepare you a bag of healing necessities just in case, you know, you're not fully better?"

     Nico just nodded his head. He didn't have the heart to refuse them. And having those supplies would be a good thing. Nico was glad Will persisted in making nice with Nico.

        He smiled sadly again and walked off. Nico entered his cabin, which was already filled with things he would need. Books Hecate wanted him to read before hand, a bunch of feather pen things, and various other nicknacks. Instead of  sifting through his new items he crawled into bed and got ready to sleep. He would have to tell everyone about his quest tomorrow. He didn't want to deal with it now. They would be disappointed and argue that it wasn't fair. Hazel might cry. Nico hopes she won't because she cried he would feel terrible.

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