Seeing Hogwarts

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     I was late to the first days feast. Thanks Hecate, what a wonderful example I will be for my new students, I thought. She waited until the last minute to change me into a twenty-something year old and tell me I would be the Head of House to Gryffindor, one of the 'houses' at the school I had read in one of the books.

    I was now packing a trunk full of my books and plans for classes. I now also had a screech owl from Hades to contact him, Hecate, and the other teachers and possibly students at Hogwarts. BTW the screech owl is one of Hades sacred animals.

I named him Ossa it was a shortened version of ossatura which meant bones in Italian. I thought it fit because​ he is black with white feathers that makes him look like a skeleton, and even though he was loud and annoying I was glad to have him.

     As I arrived at the base of the school, Hecate transported me because I was still to weak to shadow travel, I looked up in a silent awe. It was a huge castle, not as great as Hades palace and maybe Mount Olympus, but it held a mystical beauty all the same​.

     However I didn't have time to stand here gaping at the stone work, though I'm sure Annabeth would have, so I walked toward the huge doors. I pressed my hand against the door and slowly leaned on to it. The door began to slowly creek open, not heavy at all, probably due to some magic.

     The hall was just as magnificent as the exterior but I'm certain my awe probably didn't show on my face. I have been told that my expressions are as hard as a rock.

     I began to stride in between two tables, one yellow, one blue, and than uttered an apology. "I apologise for being late. I was caught up in some business and didn't notice the time."

     A woman at the other end of the hall stood up. I recognized her as Minerva McGonagall, the headmistress, from another one of my books. "Quite alright Professor Di Angelo she began. You are just in time for your introduction."

     I walked over to the long table at the front ant took a seat. Many of the students whispered as I passed but Minerva quickly quieted their rambles.

     She began to explain my duties as the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and Head of Gryffindor House. Once she finished I decided to slightly address the students.

     "I hope that many of you can accept me as your professor and put effort into your studies in my class." I said after a quick nod off recognition.

     A few more things were announced and than the feast began. Food appeared on each golden saucer that lined the many tables. It reminded me of the plates at camp.

     As the other teachers began to dig in I reached over towards some chicken and placed it on my plate. I than put some mashed potatoes and plain white rice to join it.

      Ever since my trip across the world my appetite had grown. My stomach, not used to food, couldn't hold as much as the average teenager, even as an adult, and I couldn't eat foods that were to rich because they upset it. Not to mention a certain 'doctor' was always getting on my case about the nutritional value of the things I ate.

     After I finished what was on my plate I was nearly full. I sat at the table for a while as the rest of the hall finished eating. I continued to wait until Minerva waved her wand and multiple desserts took the places of the food.

     I intended to ignore them until one caught my eye. It was gelato. Cinnamon gelato to be exact, I could tell from the color and smell. Just ignore it, my mind said. But I want it, my nearly full stomach retorted, we have room. I couldn't help but eye it. I really wanted to eat it. Come on my taste buds urged. Fuck it my mind finally decided.

     The internal conversation only lasted moments before I reached over and got some of the cold treat. I didn't get much, only a small bowl.

     As I placed the first spoonful into my mouth I couldn't help but savor the rich taste of cinnamon. It was smooth as it slipped down my throat.

     I finished the bowl and set it down. I wanted to get another but I properly resisted this time. Many of the other teachers and students were still gorging themselves so I decided to observe my future problems.

     I noticed many of the male students looking at me with, scorn? Jealousy? I couldn't tell which. Many of the females we're looking at me with interest and, I believe what was lust? Eh. I turned away from those who stared at tried to find those more interesting.

I saw a girl at the blue table look at me with cloudy eyes. They were observing me in an interest much different that the other girls. Her eyes were grey but reminded me of the way many of Hypnos children would have. A boy at the green table had his head down. He looked uncomfortable with everyone around him. His shoulders drooped in a silent shame, and his eyes burned with broken pride.

     As I kept looking I noticed a boy who looked like a smaller, more runty version of Percy. His black hair had the same messy appeal and he had emerald green eyes, a shade that slightly resembled the sea green I was used to. One major difference though was the scar on his forehead. Harry Potter, the 'hero' of this school, a fact that scar portrayed to the world. He kept glancing up at me with question in his eyes. His body slightly tense. I could tell he didn't fully trust me, but he also didn't fully see me as a threat. He had good instincts.

     My eyes left the boy as all the food disappeared. Minerva stood up and addressed the crowd once more before she bid them farewell. I glanced at the students once more as they left for their dormitories. I would deal with them tomorrow.

     For now I walked over to Minerva to ask where u would be staying. I had already studied a map of the school from a book to get the general layout. I was preparing myself for this quest with the best of my ability, but still, I could not help but feel I was going in blind. Hecate's gifts and books could only help me so much.

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