When Life Gives You.... Water?

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     Ron (surprise) was starting to like the new DADA teacher. He gave easy homework and great rewards. After his 'How to Defeat a Hellhound' ho,e work, so it was dubbed, Hermione had started telling him that if he thought harder he could get better at all his subjects. She also said it was his duty to set a good example as Headboy. In all honesty Ron hadn't even tried on the assignment. He didn't even need to get the right answer so why would he. Ron wasn't one of the girls who wants his attention, and until last night he didn't even like, or fully trust the man. If it wasn't for the fact that Hermione was jealous that he got the right answer Ron would have told her he just guessed to get her off her back. He loved Hermione but she could get pretty annoying whenever it came to education.

      Ron, for once, was looking forward to a class. That was until he got to the dining hall and saw a notice. Ron read it and didnt know whether to jump for joy or be disappointed that he was missing his two favorite classes. Both Hagrid and Professor Di Angelo, it seems, weren't having classes today. That means Ron had two free periods until he had to go to Potions. Hermione would probably drag him off to the library or something but at least he would have some freedom. He walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down.

      Harry was already eating by the time Ron joined us. "So, looks like we have a free morning. How are you guys planning to spend it?" Ron asked.

     "Well I'm going to the library to catch up on my reading." Hermione stated, which neither boy seemed surprised about.

     "I'm not sure, I was looking forward to DADA and speaking to Hagrid. But Professor Di Angelo and Hagrid are both busy." Harry sighed. "I heard that they are in the Forbidden Forrest trying to catch something."

     Ron visabley paled at that. "Both of them are needed to catch something?" He asked.

      Hermione answered quickly, "The Forest is large, besides they are probably trying to do it without harming whatever it is."

     "I know they probably don't want to hurt it, Hagrid loves all animals. I'm just worried. What if whatever they are trying to catch is dangerous. They could want to use it in the class. Professor Di Angelo already brought one dangerous creatures into his classroom. Sure it was tame but all dogs bite." Ron pushed.

      Hermione sighed slightly, both she in Harry could see the reasoning in Ron's little speech. Harry however wasn't to worried. After breakfast both him and Ron followed Hermione to the Library, and stayed there until it was time for Potions.

(For those who don't remember they have five classes in this order,     DADA, Care for Magical Creatures, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, than Divination (Except for Hermione who has Arithmetic), and at midnight they sometimes have Astronomy)

      When they got to the dungeon Harry immediately greeted Slughorn. He was debating joining his Slug Club again this year, he wanted to and was giving the invite but he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Hermione, Ron, and Ginny this year. He already had Quidditch taking up his time.

     Slughorn didn't waste time starting today's lesson. "Today we are starting a project. The potion we are going to make today is of a beginners level, however we will be studying it's affects. This is where grading will begin. We are going to make a Forgetfulness potion. Due to the rarity of one of its ingredients, and dangerousness, the potion is rare and can not be commonly studied. What makes the potion unresourseful is the fact that the memories it makes you forget are completely random. Here we have Gnomes, you will make 12ml of the potion, and each day in class study what the Gnomes knows, drip 3 drops of the potion on them, and see how much and what they forget"

     Harry got out his textbook and looked for the recipe for the potion.

Add 2 drops of Lethe River Water  to your cauldron  by pouring smoothly.

Gently heat for 20 seconds.

Add 2 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron. Stir 3 times, clockwise.

Wave your wand.

Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your mortar .

Add 4 Mistletoe Berries to your mortar.

Crush into a medium-fine powder using your pestle.

Add 2 measures of your crushed mixture to your cauldron .

Stir 5 times, anti-clockwise.

Wave your wand to complete the potion.

     Harry's Gnomes was set in front of him as was a small vile of water. He reached over and looked into the vial.

     Before Harry could start the potion Slughorn spoke another warning. "Lethe Water is rare and dangerous. Lucky for me I recently became acquainted with someone who knows how to get an abundance of the ingredient. But beware, a single drop of non-dilated Lethe Water will completely erase all your memories. The Forgetfulness Potion will give a similar affect but only few things will be forgotten. Handle with gloves and care."

     After hearing about how dangerous the water was, Harry gently set down the vial and pulled on gloves. He made the potion quickly and made sure both the Lethe water and Forgetfulness Potion were secure he began to observe his Gnome.

     Apparently his name was Larry and his favorite fruits was grapes. Harry dripped three drops of the potion onto the Gnome. As far as Larry was concerned his favorite fruit was now raspberries.

     After he was done with his Gnome for the day he went back to the Lethe water. There was an entire river of it, so why was it so rare? And who could get enough of it that Slughorn could use such a rare ingredient in a school project.

     The water looked harmless but Harry knew better after all the warnings he got. He took the vial and brought it over to Slughorn who was collecting them. He walked gently as did Slughorn. He handed it over and went back to his seat where Ron was still messing with his Gnome. His was named Gerome and Ron couldn't help but be amused by that. Harry thought it was a little funny too. As he sat Harry was left questioning the origin of the water until class was over and he had to go to Charms.

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