Adjusting to Change

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     Nico was glad the first day of classes were over. It was tiring feeling with the students the whole day. Especially the you're ones. And the girls, they only seemed to want to talk about his social and personal life. Nico just ignored most of them.

     Nico didn't think many of the students liked him. He pretty much insulted them or made them feel bad the entire day. But overcoming was accepting and none of the excepted themselves, the ones who died, it the war. All he did was be brutally honest. He wouldn't sugar coat death or there mistakes. These kids needed to learn.

     Nico took a deep breath. He had a whole year ahead of him and needed to make plans. He took out parchment and a quill and began to write out a plan for the year.

~~~The Next Day~~~

     When Harry walked into DAda the next day he wasn't expecting to see a large dog. It wasn't as big as Fluffy had been his first year but it was still huge. About the size of a delivery truck. It had midnight black fur and a large collar around it's neck.

     Harry couldn't help but get excited. Only a day in and the new professor was already about to teach us about something amazing.

     Harry went to his seat with Hermione and Ron close to his sides. Ron's mouth was hanging open from the sight of the large dog. Hermione was practically jumping on the balls of her feet at the aspect of learning something new.

     It was only a few minutes but it felt like forever before Professor Di Angelo walked in and started class.

     "I have made a plan for the year which I would like to share with you all. I have taken into account the miss-matched teaching style of your many Professors and based it off that."

     "This year we will start out with a mix of both dark creatures, and the defence against those creatures. This will help me teach individual students according to there ability. Many of you might be better with theory than expressing your magical abilities. Later this year we will move into understanding the Dark Arts. Why they are labeled bad. This will involve an important project and also give you some history of the Dark Arts so you may better understand them."

     "Finally we will move in learning how to defend yourselves from other wizards. This will be last as I wish for you to keep it in a calm mind so you don't have to revisit past experiences. I wrote up a more detailed plan of parchment for this class. If you would like a copy to aid in your studying or just so you know what to expect just ask. You are welcome to one. Now that that is explained we have a lot of time left so we shall be transition into our first lesson."

      Harry was surprised at how efficient Professor Di Angelo seemed to be. He prepared a plan for the students and kept them in mind when he did so. He also didn't waste time. Harry was sure this class would be both surprising and maybe even fun. And also challenging. He took out parchment in order too pay attention and keyed into the lesson.

     "As I'm sure you all noticed, as she is quite hard to miss, I have a guest here for us. This is a hell hound named Mrs. O'Leary. Hellhounds are large dangerous creatures. This one here is probably the only tame one in the world. She belongs to a friend of mine but more often than not I am the one taking care of her."

     "Hellhounds are strange creatures, they are made out of pure shadow. When they 'die' they dissolve into that shadow. But even though they dissolve the shadows will eventually regroup so they never truly die. Killing them however is a difficult task. There hide is stronger than iron. Only rare magical metals can cut it. Spells however can get through, but only certain ones. The beast's hide will deflect most spells so which one will you use to defeat it. That is something I want you to discern. Tonight I want you to try and guess one of the spells that could affect it. I want you to try and find this out on your own. Don't go finding the answer in a book. Choose your spell and write down your reasoning of why it would work. All you need is one sentence if you feel that it explains your reasoning. Hand it in to me and than we will test your spells. And not to worry we won't do a live demonstration. Your answer doesn't have to be right I just want to see how your mind works. That is all for today now off to your next class."

     Harry got up and began towards the door.

     "Lucky us, he gave such easy homework. Not to mention what he said was kinda cool." Ron preached happily.

      "You should at least try. He is testing how we react to this project. He wants to know how we think so he can teach us better as an individual. He has a great approach to teaching. He has only been here for two days and he has already proven he is a great teacher." Hermione lectured.

     "I never said I wouldn't try. Sure he teaches well and seems to actually care that we improve but he had a bad attitude. He scowls just as much as Snape did." Ron countered.

     "But Snape was a great person," Hermione claimed.

      "A great person, but that didn't stop him from making his students life hell. Remember how he tortured Neville?" Ron argued.

     Hermione only sighed and shook her head. She seemed to have enough of the argument. Ron did have some reasoning and Hermione loved h to much to push it any farther.

      Harry looked down at his notes. Hermione had pretty much written down everything Professor Di Angelo said, but he only wrote down what he thought was important. He reread through them and began to think about possible spells.

     The Professor said we would test them so the killing curse wasn't an option to put. He thought about it all the way until his next class.

Lol sorry about the wait. Not really writer's block, I knew what I wanted to write just not how to.

ALSO I love comments and I take requests. If you want to see more Hinny in the story or more of Draco or another character just ask. Sudgestions are always welcome as well. Just ask and I will try to incorporate what you guys want into the story. Just don't go to overboard with it.

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