A Little Enlightenment

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Sorry this took so long. My life has been hectic lately so I have been slow in this process. I've been trying to write a chapter but it isn't turning out quite the way I want it to so this is kinda a filler. If you have any recommendations on how to finish the process of pig handling, let me know. Hope you enjoy this one.

     Nico sat in his classroom surrounded by six hogs. They were loud, squealing, banging on there cages, and flickering in and out of visibility. His first class would be starting soon and he was curious to see how his class would take to the creatures.

     Hermione stood outside the DADA classroom alone. Class didn't start for a wile so most of the students were still at breakfast. Hermione had skipped breakfast in favor of the library. Once she had found her books she found herself making her way to a class that wouldn't start for another ten minutes.

     She wasn't sure what she should do, wait? Wander around? Would the professor mind if she came in early? All of a sudden Hermione heard a loud squeal from inside the room.

     Hermione's curiosity seemed to best her, as she pushed the door open and walked in. Professor Di Angelo was inside sitting on his desk. He was surrounded by cages, some empty, some full. His legs were propped up on one of the cages and his eyes were closed. Hermione watched him for a moment before he startled her by speaking.

     "Miss Granger," his eyes still closed, "Quite the over achiever, getting here so early."

     "So it was me you were talking about than." She said, less of a question and more of a statement.

     "Oh? And what are we talking about here?"

     "The project for the hellhounds. You said that someone over thought it. You were talking about me."

     Too Hermione's astonishment the teacher actually started to laugh, not loud, but laugh all the same.

     "Hermione, yes? Well you see I didn't say someone, I said some people. You did over think it, but you were not the only one, you should have seen all the Ravenclaw's papers."

     "Than did you think my answer was silly?" She asked expectantly.

     "Not at all," he mused, "In fact the way you wrote about your answer the more I could believe it was true, only it wasn't. You see, sometimes you think more, not to get the correct answer, but to think your solution is correct. If it is a simple question, it often needs a simple answer too."

     Hermione began nodding her head, she understood exactly what the professor had meant. Hermione knew that one of her biggest flaws was over thinking, so it always made her somewhat bitter when someone had to point it out to her, but the way the professor did it seemed more helpful. Like a piece of advice almost.

       "Well," The professor said, knocking Hermione out of her inner thoughts, "Class will be starting in a couple of minutes, I think it's best you find you and your friends some seats."

    Hermione turned and found three seats in the front row, she sat down and waited for class to start.

     Harry had noticed Hermione wasn't at breakfast. Ron had concluded that she was probably just at the library as he stuffed muffins, banana, Hermione's favorite, into his pockets. After finishing gorging himself Ron started for the library to give her the muffins, or at least that is what Harry assumed, he wouldn't have been surprised it he was planning to eat them himself between lunch and breakfast.

     But when they arrived at the library she wasn't there, according to Madam Pince she had left quite a bit earlier. Instead of searching for her further Ron and Harry decided to just head to class assuming they would just see her there.

      When they arrived, like they assumed, Hermione was already there sitting in the front row. She was staring at Professor Di Angelo with both interest and fascination.

     Harry heard Ron huff behind him. He had a scowl on his face and his cheeks were puffed up. Harry wanted to role his eyes. Ron was jealous.

     Harry and Ron walked up to Hermione and sat on both sides of her. It still took a moment before Hermione took her eyes away from the professor.

     She looked at Harry and spoke. "I think you were right, he does remind me of Dumbledore." Both Ron and him rose our eyebrows.

     "What makes you think that?" Ron asked.

     Hermione pursed he lips, as if in thought. "He is very wise, you can see it in the deepness in his eyes. It is as if he has lived a hundred years even though he is only a little older than us."

     "Well, he has to be smart, he is a teacher after all." Ron said.

     Hermione looked as if she was about to either hit Ron or herself. Before she could try anything though, I put a hand on her shoulder and shook my head. Ron would be Ron after all.

     We waited the last few minutes eyeing the cages and wondering, what would this class have in store for us today.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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