A Nymph Smokes Cannabis

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     Nico was used to highly dangerous forests. But this place was just weird. In the first five minutes of walking he almost got ran over by a rusted blue car, which if his eyes weren't deceiving him, didn't have a driver.

     As he walked farther and farther into the forest he began to meet come familiar creatures, and some questionable ones too. He caught a glimpse of a unicorn, some big ass spiders he was careful to walk far, far around, and a centaur even shot an arrow at him. It seemed keen on killing him until it found other he knew Chiron. After that it asked him how he was doing and a bunch of other chat.

     Once he finally escaped the centaur he went a little ways off and heard some growls. Nico prayed silently to himself hoping it wasn't a pack of unfriendly wolves, or worse werewolves. After he killed Lycaon they all held a pretty nasty grudge against him. He reached for his sword and wand. If it was a werewolf he didn't want it to get too close.

     Nico watched the foliage in front of him. Branches began to spread apart as three large heads found there way through. At the sight of the familiar creature Nico lowered his sword.

     The three heads quit growling and looked at him with questionable looks. Nico however was about ready to laugh. He had no idea how one of cerburs' offspring came to be in this forest. Nico brought his sword back up and waved it in the creatures faces. As soon as she saw the sword all six of its ears parked up and eyes shined with excitement. A large booming sound could be heard from behind the large dog, which meant that either the forest was being bombed, or she was wagging her tail.

     The huge dog surged forward and Nico braced himself. All three heads began to try petting them self on Nico's body while pushing other heads out of the way. Nico must of smelled like home to the dog, or at the least like cerburs. Nico pet each of the dogs head wile they continued to rub and lick him. Nico was soaked and had a slight smile on his face, which hurt a little do to the lack of use those muscles did.

     Nico loved animals, a lot more than talkative centaurs at least, so he made no move to try to calm the excited beast down and just decided to let it ware itself out. However a loud 'ehem' sounded behind him and he was forced to put his hands on each side of the closet head to him, holding it down so he could look at the newcomer.

     When all three heads had finally settled down enough he turned his head. And was greeted by a fave full of smoke. Nico coughed and squinted until he made out a siloeute. It was a tree nymph. And it was scowling, which Nico felt should be his job.

     "Yes," he said sharply. "Do you have a problem."

     "I certainly do have a problem," She sneered back. "That mutt of yours is kicking up a ruckus and slobbering all over my tree." The nymph paused for a moment to take a drag out of a brown cylinder she held in her hand.

     Cannabis, Nico recognized it from the soldiers who would smoke it back in Italy in the 1930's. Nico began to wonder if that was some kind of canabilism. He didn't know what nymphs ate anyway. Did they just take in sunlight and nutrients like other plants? Nico knew sayters ate plants and they were nature spirits. But than, did Marijuana plants even have nymphs? Nico ended up having to shake himself out of his thoughts when the angry nymph started talking again. Dam ADHD.

     "I personally don't want no dog lurking around this area. Peeing on us defenceless trees. Or pounding on us with that tail of his and breaking of our branches."

     Nico sighed, he could see where the nymph was coming from. Even if she did call the dog a boy, it was obviously a girl, blow smoke in his face, rude, and was also probably high, meaning it was bes t not to get into a meaningless fight with her.

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