Busy Night

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Nico sighed after the two boys left. He was quite glad that at least two of the students had found a viable solution. A Ravenclaw had put fire so he only gave them half-credit. Rewarding them however was a way of getting the other kids to put in more effort for the future projects he was planning.

He was also quite glad to get rid of those chocolates. They weren't disgusting or a hindrance, it's just he didn't see a point in giving the person who barely ate, anything edible. The only joy he had managed to get from the chocolate was turning Leo into a slug. But it's not like he could start turning kids into animals. It was against the rules. He had checked.

Nico moved from behind his desk and dawned a cloak over his robe. He was starting to get bored at this castle and longer for some action. The Forbidden Forrest was said to have tons of dangerous creatures. Perhaps one would attack him, that would be fun. He could also probably get an idea of what he could teach about next. He opened the door to his office and set out.

Ron decided that the first person to try one of the Enchanted Chocolates should be Hermione. Unknowingly of course. However Ron thought it would be better to do after dinner. He hid the chocolate under his robes as we made our way into the dining hall. We sat down at the Gryffindor table and began eating. Harry was halfway through his meal when he realized that Professor Di Angelo wasn't there.

When we finished dinner, the professor never showed up, Ron and I practically raced up to the dorms. I couldn't wait to try the chocolates. When we got there Ron opened the box. There were 24 chocolates. There was an empty spot as well which meant one was already gone. We didn't dwell on that to long. Ron began to examine the chocolates so he could pick one out for Hermione.

The one he picked out looked like it was completely covered in a brown substance, taffy, hardened carmel, peanut butter, we couldn't tell.

When Hermione walked into the common room Ron immediately ran up to her. He dragged her over to the fireplace which is where we set up the chocolate.

He picked up the piece he picked out and handed it to her, "Can you try this chocolate with us?" Ron asked.

Hermione didn't even answer, she just observed the chocolate for a moment before popping it into her mouth.

Ron and I watched as she chewed, when she swallowed she began to change. Her bushy hair turned into a mane, her body elongated and became muscular. In a moment standing in front of us was a fully grown lion.

Ron's mouth fell open and his eyes looked ready to pop. He turned back to the box and with a cry proclaiming he wanted to be a lion too, took one that looked similar to Hermione's and popped it straight down his gullet. He turned into a hedgehog.

During the next five minutes all I could do was laugh as Hermione chased Ron around the room, obvious not amused by Ron's antics. When they finally turned back Ron explained the chocolates and apologized.

The three of us now sat in a circle around the chocolate, we were going to take them 1 at a time, since there were 24, 8 each.

Harry picked up a normal looking chocolate and popped it into his mouth. When he swallowed it Harry felt a gentle tug in his stomach and felt as though he was filling up with air.

"Oh wow, I guess you really are Hairy Potter now." He heard Ron say.

When Harry looked down he saw himself, he was a baboon, and he was still wearing his glasses. He must look ridiculous.

After 5 minutes of Harry getting poked fun at the effects wore off and it was Hermione's turn again.

The one she ate turned her into a pig. Harry vaguely remembered Professor Di Angelo mentioning something about pigs.

Ron's next turn made him into a panda. A ginger panda. Harry couldn't help but smiling.

Harry became a penguin, which Hermione decided to cuddle. And when it was her turn she became a tree frog.

Ron turned into a hawk and started to walk around all high and mighty. He landed on Hermione's leg and started to ruffle his feathers toward her.

Before Harry could pick out his next chocolate Ron piped up.  "This is really cool, but I think that once Harry picks out a chocolate we should call it done. We should save them and use them on other people as well as ourselves. They could get us out of a tight spot someday."

Hermione and I nodded. These could help us have a lot of fun someday. Turning into animals was cool but we shouldn't waste them.

Now faced with his last change Harry took a closer look at the chocolates. After a moment he decided on a stark blank one and ate it. When he was finished changing he looked down to see a sleek black body. He had turned into a panther. I heard Ron grumble about how he didn't get a big cat transformation and how he should be a tiger. I spent five minutes in that form jumping around the room with agility I had never had before.

When I was human again we closed the box and finished our homework. We parted ways to our rooms, me with the box because it was my prize and Hermione trusted it with me more than Ron.

As I finally crawled into bed, I thought back to the professor. What did he end up doing after he gave us the chocolates. Did he go to bed? Or was he out, having a busy night like we did.

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