Professor Di Angelo

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     Harry was on the Hogwarts Express with Ron, Hermione, Neville, and his girlfriend, Ginny (Sorry Drarry shippers, trying to stay as close to Canon as possible) September 1st had finally rolled around. Back to homework, friends, and most of all, Quidditch. Expect this time they didn't have to worry about an evil, dark wizard ruining anything.

     He was still a little worried. Harry didn't know how the school would pull together after the battle. Many students would no longer be there. The first feast will most likely be filled with empty seats and longing silence. Then there would be that new professor. Most of us probably don't even need DADA this year. We've already seen dark magic at it's worst.

     Harry sighed. He kept thinking and the more he thought the more he doubted himself. All those people who died, Harry couldn't help but feel that if he had done a better job, many

     Harry felt someone squeeze his hand. He looked over to Ginny who was smiling at him reassuringly. Harry felt his heart lift a little and began to focus on the better things. School, Ginny, Quidditch, no death eaters, and the like.

     The train began to slow, as it pullef into Hogsmead station. Harry quickly waved his wand and his robes appeared over his body. When the train finally stopped he stepped off the train with his friends and they walked toward the carriages. He took note of most of the students as they gaped toward them. It dawned on Harry that almost all the students, excluding the first years, could now see the thresals.

      After boarding the carriages they soon arrived to the Great Hall. Harry sat at the Gryffindor table between Ron and Hermione and watched as the sorting hat was set out to sort the first years. After a few minutes, and when the hat finaly seemed comfortable with its ppace on the stool, the rip in the hats brim opened wide and belted out this year's song.

I sit on my stool and await you each year,
Looking for your perfect place, so have no fear,
I will sort and sift through your mind,
And start this new year, leaving the past behind.

First are our dear Hufflepuffs clad in yellow,
Though despite beliefs not always soft nor mellow.
Seeking all those loyal and nice,
For many of you Hufflepuff will suffice.

The great and bold for Gryffindor,
Who lead us strong in the heart of war.
Searching those who are brave,
Not measuring on strength or how well you behave.

Ravenclaw for those who are wise,
Always ready to think and devise.
Holding knowledge as their key.
And opening themselves to every possibility.

And Slytherin who still took hold,
Who did not all betray the wizarding world.
Do not regret ever being cunning,
As pride will keep the weak legs running.

So take your place, and sit with ease,
And eat and drink as you please,
But remember the empty places at your table.
And not regard them as if a tale or fable.

Through strength and unity, we withstanf pain together,
And know both memory and love are forever.
Do not give a moment to fear and regret.
Remember this year is not over yet.

     Many of the older students began wiping away tears. The hats song pulled at heartstrings, trying to bring us comfort and help us accept our losses. Harry silently thanked the hat, that despite not even really being properly alive, cared for us so very much.

     The clapping was louder than he had ever heard it before. It lasted quite a while and none of the teachers bothered to silence it as many of them were still applauding too.

     When the room finally silenced Professor Flitwick stepped forward with the scroll holding the names of the first years. Professor McGonagall no longer held the duty as her position as headmistress gave her new duties. The names of the first years began were read out and they were sorted.

Aberval, Finley.... Slytherin

Anderson, Susan..... Hufflepuff


Zacherias, Heather....  Ravenclaw

Zelber, Luthar.... Ravenclaw


    As the last first year was sorted and the applause began to fade, Harry shifted his eyes from the first years over to the professors table. He noticed the empty chair that was meant to hold the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor.

     Before he could question it to much the doors opened. All the heads in the hall turned towards the interruption. There was a young man standing in the doorway. The man appeared to be in his early twenties. Harry couldn't help but note that he was quite attractive. The man had pale olive skin and Onix black hair. His eyes were a rich dark brown that nearly looked black in the low light.

     "I apologise for being late, I was caught up in some business and didn't notice the time."

     Professor McGonagall stood and noted the man's presence. "Quite alright Professor Di Angelo. You are just in time for your introduction."

      The man by the name of Professor Di Angelo walked the stretch of the hall had took a seat at the table.

     Harry watched as Professor McGonagall silenced the hall of whispers (mostly coming from the females) that had started upon the new professors arrival. "This is Professor Di Angelo. He will be filling both the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts and Gryffindors Head of House as I can no longer fill the duty."

     The new professor nodded his head. "I hope that many of you can accept me as your professor and put effort into your studies in my class. "

     As he spoke Harry noticed a slight accent that he couldn't quite place. His voice was rich as well. Harry felt a strange aura from him, making Harry feel perplexed. Harry wasn't sure if the new Professor could be trusted quite yet. Only time would tell.

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