Late Night Wander

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      All of Harry's classes were done for the day and he was in the common room doing his homework. He had finished all his other assignments except Professor Di Angelo's. Somehow him saying he didn't have to get it right made him to want to so much more. He went over what he knew about hellhounds in his head. They were dangerous. Only special, magical metals could cut them, there hide can deflect spells, they can't be truly killed, only by dispersing the shadows can they be defeated.

     Harry suddenly realized something though. They were made of shadow. They dispersed into shadow. He had to get rid of the shadow. Harry was suddenly excited. Shadows can't exist if there is to much light. If someone used a powerful enough Lumos charm they should be able to separate the shadows the hellhound is made up of.

     Harry quickly God out a small price of parchment and wrote

In order to defeat a hellhound you may use a powerful Lumos Charm in order to separate the shadows that make up its body.

     Professor Di Angelo said we only needed one sentence to explain there reasoning so he left it at that. He packed up all his things including the parchment and headed of to bed. He couldn't wait tell DADA tomorrow to find out if he was right. He wondered what Ron and Hermione had put for their answers. When he finally reached his dormitory he climbed into bed.

     Harry laid there for a long time trying to get to sleep. Harry now has his own room like Ron because he was captain of the Quiditch team. He just moved in tonight after it being announced, but he missed the chatter from the other boys because the silence was to loud to sleep in.

     After what felt like hours Harry finally got out of bed. His mind was racing far to much to sleep and he didn't want to lay alone with it a moment longer. He shuffled through his trunk until he found his invisibility cloak. He wanted to walk through the castle but didn't want to risk running into Filch or his cat.

     He walked gently down the halls trying not to wake the portraits when he heard a screech from and owl. Curiosity bested him and he walked toward the sound.

     "Hush, Ossa, is it your wish to wake up everyone in the castle?" When I got close enough I saw that the sound came from an owl on Professor Di Angelo's knee. The owl was black with white markings that made it look like a skeleton. They were sitting in the frame of an open window. The Professor's back leaning on the frame with his legs propted up in front of him.

     He seemed to be talking to the owl he dubbed Ossa. "You seem to make your life fully committed to annoying as many people as possible. Don't you." His words seemed curt but were spoken mindlessly. His hand was stroking the birds head as he looked out the window.

    The moonlight seemed to hit his features in a way that made even me admit he was handsome. Harry didn't even have time to process what he was seeing until the professor's head turned toward him.

     "Do you have insomnia this night as well Mr. Potter?" He asked.

     Harry quickly held his breath even though it was too late to hide his presence. He slowly stopped off his invisibility cloak and faced the Professor's gaze.

     "Yes sir, I couldn't sleep. My mind was to busy thinking about my studies to let me sleep." He answered. "Are you going to give me a detention? Sir."

     "No, I won't blame you for wandering around when your own mind can't stay in one place. I myself came out to enjoy the night air as my dreams would not calm enough for me to sleep." He replied.

     "Thank you. Any other Professor would have. Except Dumbledore, but he is gone now."

     "I see, I am being compared again." Professor Di Angelo uttered.

    "Compared?" Harry asked, "How so?"

     "I always find myself being compared. To my friends, my father. My sister." His voice fell quiet at the last statement as he slowly looked back out the window.

     Harry knew what it was like to lose someone so he realized the Professor's sister must be gone. He remained silent not wanting to disturb the man's thoughts as he stood there.

     A few moments passed before the ebony haired man turned back towards Harry and spoke again. "You better be getting back to your bed. There are still a few hours left of the night, where you may find rest. Try not to wander past curfew too often. I won't pardon you every time."

     He slowly stood up, the owl flying off his knee and into the night. He walked away leaving Harry to face the open window. The moonlight spilled in illuminating Harry in a spotlight until he too, equipped his invisibility cloak and walked off.

     When he came to his bed he layed in it. His mind blank now as he couldn't seem to grasp the conversation he just had with the mysterious teacher. He soon fell in a silent dreamless sleep. He could only await the morning to sort out his thoughts and bring him a new days worth of thoughts and classes.

Two in one day. I bet you guys weren't expecting that.  Hope you enjoy this chapter.

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