The First Class

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     Harry didn't know​ whether to be excited or nervous. He was at breakfast and just got his schedule. His first class would be DADA with the new professor. Afterwards Care for Magical Creatures, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, than lastly Divination. I looked up there schedules apparently they have five classes a day. Plus astronomy at midnight occasionally.

     I was still curious about the new teacher. We didn't get to see him last night because he left with Professor McGonagall after the feast. I wonder what he was hoping to teach us.

    After Breakfast Ron, Hermione, and I all ran to the classroom. We have the class with Slytherin but I don't think many of them would be a problem this year. We take our seats and wait for class to begin.

     This will be my first time teaching and first time in a school in years. I decided today I will give the students a talk and instruct them about the school year they will have with me.

     I watched as students came to take their seats. When the class started o stood up to address them.

     "I know for a fact that many of you have gone through war. You have battled the dark arts and defended yourself well enough that you are still alive here today."

     "With that I am sure many of you think that taking this class will be a breeze or that it is pointless. However, there are always different ways to defend yourself, and better for both you, your allies, and even your enemy."

     "The fact that you can not defend yourself completely lies with your fallen comrades. Had you been skilled enough many of your fellow students' deaths could have been prevented. Your weakness is your numbers, and your love for them. And it still haunts you today."

     Nico watched as many of the students faces morphed into that of anger and shame. Many of their eyes held a sadness that signified his truth. Others stared in awe as he had the audacity to insult them using their dead classmates.

     Nico knew it was harsh, but this method worked. They needed to think back on their mistakes and what they lacked so that they could grow stronger, and accept what happened. With that he continued.

     "For a fact, I know no one here will be perfect, and that many of the deaths that occurred could not be prevented. But had you had more knowledge you could have fought better, protected better, healed better."

     "In this class I will teach you not only to defend yourself from the Dark Arts, but to understand it. I will introduce you to dangerous animals that use dark magic, and how you can defeat them. I will teach you healing magic, which in it's own right can defeat the darkness. However if you keep the mindset that you are strong enough, that you've been through enough, you will never grow stronger, and both you, and your friends and family, can suffer from that."

     "Now that that is over you may ask questions. Keep them related to the curriculum though."

     I took a long breath. I had spoke a lot. I used my own experiences to help build that speech and I don't know ow how all of them would react to it. Honestly I could easily make the situation worse.

     I looked towards the class and saw multiple hands in the air. I chose one.

     Harry couldn't believe how Professor Di Angelo talked. Harry knew deep down that he was right. No one was really prepared. Many people he cared about died because of him. He couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of respect for the young man. He honestly didn't think of what the students thought of him.

     While he was talking he made his intention clear. He was going to teach us. What we did in the battle didn't matter to him. When he asked for questions I noticed a few hands go up.

     "You" he said pointing at someone behind me, "say your name and ask your question."

     "I'm Dean Thomas and what could be worse than he-who-must-not-be-named?"

      "Well Dean, first of all I feel a problem on how you address Voldemort. Tom Riddle was just a man bent on killing multiple people do to his own suffering. Many people are murderers or have devilish ambitions the reason Voldemort was so bad is that he seemed unkillable due to his horcruxes. There are many creatures out there who need to be killed in a specific manner, if you don't know how to kill them and they will seam unkillable as well, and even make you fear for your life if you engage them. People feared Voldemort so much due to the fact that they felt a specific endangerment to their lives as he directly influenced many people with his opinions and wished to kill specific people. This fear grew so much due to the fact that people became so afraid that they even refuse to use his name. A name, itself, has power, but fearing the name gives the person power. Wizards gave Voldemort too much power and that powers influence affected many people's minds. This caused many people to join up with him for him to share the power he had, which made him even more dangerous and feared and also forced people to acknowledge him. Now that Voldemort is dead your own hysteria inflates the fear you had for him, which even prevents you from using his name.."

     "On that note, I feel, as an educator, people should use the proper name for things. If you wish to address the so called 'Dark Lord' than use either Tom or Voldemort to address him."

     Professor Di Angelo's speech left most of the students in awe. A few looked guilty. Some were nodding their heads. Hermione had even brought out quill and parchment and wrote down the entire speech."

     His words somehow reminded him of Dumbledore. From the way the professor spoke Harry could tell that he neither feared nor respected Voldemort.

      None of the students had their hands raised anymore. Professor Di Angelo had silenced them all.

     "Class is nearly over. If there are any more unaddressed questions please think them over and bring them to me next class. I will do my best to answer them than. You may pack up and leave."

     Hermione put her things away and we headed out the door towards Care for Magical Creatures.

     "He is brilliant isn't he. His words are straight forward and says exactly what he thinks. He should be a wonderful teacher," Hermione mused.

     Ron grunted jealously. They may have been dating now but whenever Hermione took interest in anyone of the opposite gender he grew a little sour. "If you ask me, he has an attitude like Snape had. He may seem smart, but that class will probably be hell."

     "Well school is for learning. That is what is most important and he seems to share that view. He answers are questions and uses logic to access are problems."

     "I think Hermione is right." Harry joined in, "His attitude might not be the best but he seems intelligent and respectable. What he said reminds me of the type of things Dumbledore would say. They seem to share a lot of the same views and opinions."

     Ron sighed submissively, "Okay but I still think he has a terrible attitude."

     Harry smiled at his friends as they continued to walk towards Hagrid's cottage. Most of his doubts had been set aside because of the new teacher. He found it easier to look forward to the rest of the year.

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