Chapter 7 Getting to Know them.

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         I say goodbye to Ever (WhO REallY iS EnJoyiNg UndERTalE) and rush into my car. First i put my seat belt on then I turn on the radio and immediately started to dance to the songs that come on. (List some songs) I get to (Fav.Restaurant) and i park.

It's 5:43. i am a little early. I wait in my car impatiently but then I spot an orange haired weirdo. I get out of my car and I run catch up with him. "Hey Lazercorn." i say scaring him a bit. "Where in the world did you come from?" He says shocked but continues laughing.

 "I was here a little to early and no one else is here so i waited until i saw a familiar face. Annnnnnd That would be you." "Really no one else is here yet? I am usually the last one at every meeting.... Actually scratch that we are always waiting on Sohinki. But i'm a close second" We both laugh and walk into (Fav. Restaurant) We get the crew a table then wait for a couple minutes until we finally got seated.

When we got to the table the waiter led us to i decide to sit by Lazercorn. I didn't want to sit away from him because it would be awkward. This whole table and i sit far away from him. We talked about life and how it was going while everyone else piled in.

I ended up sitting up next to Lazercorn and on my other side was Flitz. The whole group orders a drink and get food. I stay silent. "(Y/N) What do you want?" Lazercorn asks. " i am not that hungry."I say politely. 

YOU BET I AM HUNGRY! But i left my wallet at home. I didn't want to cause a scene or have other people pay for me so i didn't eat. Like i said earlier i am always hungry, mostly now when i haven't eaten in forever.

What i do order is a water because they are free and don't cost money. I knew the crew was a little spectacle of my behavior but they didn't know me well enough to read me and know whats wrong. So they stayed silent.

After the waiter left everyone sprung into conversation. I just sat there and looked at the ground. They talked about inside jokes and only inside jokes. Yeah i don't want to want to be the center of attention but still include me from time to time. Not once did someone say something i can relate to or comment on. I felt like an outsider.  I didn't belong here.

I started to develop tears but i wouldn't let them fall but Lazercorn noticed.  'You okay' He whispers. I nod slightly putting on a fake smile and then continue to look at the ground. He obviously knows i am not okay. He turns back to the group and out of no where he says, " I need to show (Y/N) something outside. We will be right back." Everyone goes along with it and continues their conversations. They don't care.

We walk out of the restaurant and sit on a near by bench. He turns to look at me and lightly holds on to both of my shoulders. "What is the matter." He says fully concerned. "I..I.I" I stutter trying to get the words out. I can't hold them anymore. I start to cry. Wow great first impression (Y/N). Now he thinks your a crybaby that can't handle a stupid situation. 

But unexpectedly he then pulls me into a tight hug. "It's okay. What's wrong."  I calm down as he patiently waits for me to say what's wrong. Concern filling his eyes. I take a deep breath and let it out. "Even though it's my first day i already feel like i'm the forgotten one of the group. I already have nothing to contribute. Everyone else has their friends and their jokes. While the newbie waits for a chance to share an opinion even though nobody will care. Everything can run perfectly without me. I don't belong here. I'll never belong here." I burst out in tears after i finish my 'speech'. Lazercorn give me another hug but doesn't let go until i am calm and collected.

."I will try and make sure the others know you feel like this. But if they don't just know you have me." I smile and nod. He also smiles and he leans on my shoulder. I think i found my new best friend in Smosh Games.

(Lazercorn's P.O.V)

I noticed (Y/N) sitting there looking sad and i had to help her out. She is newbie and nobody cared. AT ALL! Everyone saw her there. Everybody KNEW she was there but nobody cared to help. 

She is probably gonna be my new favorite person in SG. I hope we can become the best of friends. I am gonna like her company. She already seems to like me. Not in that way. I know she likes/loves Wes and i actually kinda ship them. They would be a perfect couple. Hopefully they will get along.

Me and (Y/N) walk back in and sit back in our chairs. Me still with my arms draped over her shoulders. Everyone noticed this but again didn't draw attention to it. They were still talking about inside jokes. Nothing (Y/N) would get.  "Guys what are we gonna do for  (Y/N)'s welcoming video?" I say gathering everyone's attention. Everyone forgets about what they were talking about and is now sharing ideas and speaking to (Y/N)

(Y/N) is now smiling and she is happy. It makes me feel good that i helped her. 20 minutes ago she was alone. 10 minutes ago she cried her heart out. Now she is smiling and found her way into the puzzle.

 It's a bit weird i was the one to help her though. Not that i wouldn't but it's usually Joven,Mari, or Flitz. They notice peoples feelings better and knows how to solve them. But that didn't matter. Because today i was the hero.

 We decided just slid her in. Not make a huge video for her joining. Not that we didn't want to but she said she didn't want a self centered video. So we will just put her in some videos in the beginning then adding and adding her in more and more videos as the time goes on. After she is in most videos the viewers are just gonna get use to her for being a member of the gang. After we sorted that out everyone got back into talking about the same random stuff that (Y/N) doesn't understand. So i excuse myself out of the conversation and turn and talk to (Y/N). We never stopped talking until the night was over.

           But during that time (Y/N) kept stealing my food. "Thank yous." she said smirking taking bits of my food. I didn't care but after a while of her eating bits of my food i finally ask "Why didn't you get food?" "Sorry i'll stop. I just left my wallet at home and i didn't want to cause any  trouble." She says sheepishly. "I could get you some--" "NO!" She yells. I jolt at her sudden outburst. "No, because it is stupid for people to pay for my food when i am a adult and i can pay for myself. I should pay for my mistakes."She repeats calmly. I nod. 

"Well then you can keep eating my food.....This time."I say giving her the lazer stare. She giggles at first but i don't stop. "You can stop now." She laughs *I don't stop* "Seriously." *I keep going* "Really you can stop." She laughs *You can't stop this*" By the end she is laughing non stop. I stop then join her. We are laughing REALLY LOUD.

 (Y/N) didn't realize the crew was laughing at us while some filming. I didn't stop though because she still hasn't noticed and i thought that was funny. She went on for another 3 minutes until she realized. Joven turns the vlog camera around and says " That is the end of seeing (Y/N) and Lazercorn in their natural habitats. See ya next time on animal plant." and shuts the camera down.

We finish our food, pay for it then leave. I am right by (Y/N)'s side and we say our goodbyes. She starts to walk away but before she leaves i yell "Wait!" she turns around giving me a questionable look. "Can i have your number so if you feel left out i will can be there quicker, New best friend." I say nudging her jokily. "Sure, New best Friend." We swap numbers and we say our real good byes.

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WOW that is a lot of words. I really like this chapter <.> Wes will appear soon and NO Lazercorn is not gonna have a crush on you. HE IS MARRIED FOR PETE SAKE. I can't believe the crew today. I think they will be best friends in this book if you haven't gotten my hints. Well that's it Love Ya Birdies Cya ~J.Birdie

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