Chapter 18 Bus Stop.

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I wake up at 5:00am. 'Great had about 2 hours. of sleep last night.' I drag myself to the bathroom to freshen up. Lazercorn was still sleeping so it was better to get ready now so when he does wake up we don't have to fight over the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed. Once i was done it was about 6. Lazercorn has still not woken up and we leave at 7. I let him sleep for another 10 minutes until i had to wake him up. He didn't move.

 "Wake up!" I yell desperately trying to wake him up. I have been up and at it for another 10 minutes. He still moves nothing. I get an idea and run to the kitchen. I get a huge glass full of water. I tip toe to where he is sleeping and get ready. In one quick motion i poured the whole cup on his head and ran into my bedroom. I heard yelling coming from the living room but, i didn't care. I had to get him up some how.

"(Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU. YOU WILL PAY!" He says in his stern voice but you could tell he was being funny about it. I giggle more and more as i hear him get closer and closer. He must of heard  me because right when i stopped giggling the door swung open. "GOTCHA!" Lazercorn ran in and started tickling the crap out of my. (Not literally.) "Stop.. please.......LAZERCORN......" I say in between booming sounds of laughter. He eventually stops because we have to leave in 20 minutes. 

After he got ready we left and locked up the house. I brought all the packed suitcases Lazercorn helping me with the heavy one. "Thanks but you really didn't have to help. I could've handle it." I thank him. "Well if i didn't help i would look like a douche. Also what kinda friend would i be if i walked out carrying nothing while you have 3-4 bags. Not your number 1 that's for sure." I nod and thank him again as i put my luggage in the trunk. 

On the way to the bus stop he stopped and got everyone food/coffee. The bus was running late and we where hungry and or sleepy so why not get some stuff for the rest of the crew. They are probably hungrier and or sleepier then us because they got there hours before us. We got everyone orders and bought all the food/coffee.

When we arrive everyone starts clapping. We deliver the food to the beasts.  I do a little bow and start handing out everyone their order. Everyone drank their coffees or ate their food happily as we wait for the bus. Also people were vlogging and goofing around. I got handed a vlogging camera for my point of view also. They thought it would get a chance for the viewers to understand who i am more. 

"Say hi Lazercorn!" I say enthusiastically shoving the camera in his face. "Go away." He says grumpily pushing the camera away. "Well that was rude." I say sarcastically rolling my eyes and head to find someone else to talk to. "Sorry guys he wasn't camera ready."  "HEARD THAT!" I heard Lazercorn yell. I laugh and run a bit quicker.

 I see Wes sitting on a bench alone scrolling through his phone. I zoom in the camera on him. "Editor please put sad music behind that. It was very epic." I laugh. "Let's go say hi to Wes." I skip over to Wes and slid onto the spot next to him on the bench. "Heeeeeeyyyy Weeeeeesss." I say turning the camera to face me. "Oh hi (Y/N) And hi to you to." He waves leaning into the camera so you could only see his eyes. "Dork."

I shut of the camera so i could talk to Wes in a more casual way and not with a camera stuffed in his face. "So why are you sitting alone." I say. "Everyone else were talking in groups and their topics were weird so i didn't want to get involved." I nod totally understanding. when i was walking over to wes though the groups i heard rather wacky topics. You don't want to know. 

"Where are you sitting on the bus?" He asked. "I don't know. I guess anywhere." "You can sit next to me! I am sitting alone at the moment."  He says happily. "Okay." I say mimicking his huge smile. I can't wait to sit next to Wes.

The bus didn't arrive for another half hour. During that time i talked to and got to know the smosh squad. They were all very nice and we all got along. We exchanged numbers then i headed to another group. It was all the guys ( Minus Lazercorn and Wes.) and Mari. They all greeted  me and asked me how i was doing.

 "Good. I love working here already." I say enthusiastically. "I see you and Lazercorn are getting along. The same with Wes."  Sohinki says. "Yeah Lazercorn is my BESTIE." I say. I didn't know what Wes was yet.  I was for sure he was a friend but i didn't want to admit that i like him more then that. I have only been in the crew for about 2 weeks and have known Wes for 1 of them. To have a crush on him this early its crazy. "Are you ready for your first winter games?" Flitz asks. "Are you kidding of course i am." I say jumping in excitement. "Guys the bus is here!" Mari says. 

(Wes's P.O.V)

I heard Mari say the bus was here. I jumped of the bench, grabbed my stuff and ran to find (Y/N). I can't wait to sit next to (Y/N) for multiple hours. I found (Y/N) walking with Lazercorn. "(Y/N)!" I say sprinting up to her and engulfing her in a big hug and spun her in a circle. She was surprised and shocked at first but quickly hugged me back. "Ready to spend the next 5 hours with me." She smiles. "I think i'll handle it." She laughs as we get on the bus. 

I take one of her bags and put it in the storage compartments. (Just go along with it.) "Thanks Wes."  "No problem."We sat down as everyone else was talking or vlogging. We sat in comfortable silence occasionally glancing at each other. I caught her doing a few times and vise versa. I need to figure out how she feels about me..... I need to figure out how i feel about her.

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This was made 8/12/17. SCHOOLS STARTING SOON. I dyed my hair lighter today. I AM SO SCARED. People at my school suck. (Not you frens you know who you are :) I am so not popular that i am not even on the grid. I suck so much. YOUTUBE NERD!!!!

(1165 Words :)

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