Chapter 23 Alone With Him.

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Joven left to go do the dinosaur race as i lay in bed. A huge part of my life. GONE. in one phone call. My parents didn't deserve this. All the unnecessary experiments being told the same thing over and OVER AGAIN. "There's not anything we can do. Sorry." They didn't cry and wait for death. They fought through it and kept a smile on their face. They thought they could do it. They were some tough survivors.

I hear light knocking on the door. "Can i come in?" I hear Wes say outside the door. "Yeah." I say loud enough for him to hear me. He opens the door quietly and walks in. He comes in and sits at the foot of my bed. "How you doing?" "I'm alive aren't I." I say sadly. "(Y/N).." He flops on the bed and gives me a huge hug. We lied there cuddling for 20 minutes. Nothing but silence was heard. But it was surprisingly comfortable

Suddenly we heard distance yelling. "I'm gonna murder your family." "I'm gonna kill you. I'M GONNA KILL EVERYONE YOU EVER LOVED!" "I'm gonna destroy your prehistoric ass." "SCREW YOU!" "What the heck!" I say sitting up in bed. I get out of bed Wes following me and run to the window. We look over the white planted ground until we saw the cameras and blow up dinosaur costumes.

We watched as two figures wrestled across the track. "Was this suppose to happen?" I ask Wes. "Not at all." I crack a smile and watch as the dino crossed the finish line. "WOOOO!!!" I cheer out the now open window. I see people turn their bodies and look at me. Cameras included. "HI    (Y/N)!!" Everyone yells. "WHAT ABOUT ME!?!" Wes yells back pushing me out of the way. "fuck you." One voice echoed. Then we heard a bunch of laughter burst out down below.

"Wes why don't you come race Flitz and we will have someone who's already done stay with her." "I'm fine. I can participate also." I call back. "Then what are you waiting for get your butts out here." We heard Matt Raub yell. I laugh, close the windows and get ready for outside. "How can you get over something so serious this fast?" Wes questioned. "I think of the positive. Those two have been through a bunch of pain over the years. To much to handle. They where suffering and i knew they were close. Yeah it's tough to let go but i know its the best, also they probably don't want to see me miserable." His face lit up. "I never thought of it like that." He says. "Enough of this serious stuff. Let's go race some dino's." I say. He laughs and goes to get his winter stuff.

I wait for him at the doorway. He ran back to his room to get his stuff. His room is located on the complete opposite side of  the house. VERY CONVENIENT.

After minutes of waiting he finally comes. "Took you long enough." I say rolling my eyes in a playful manner. "Well sorry." He says sassily. I laugh and and walk out the door running to the groups of people gathering in the snow.

I find a sled, grab it, and run, jump and slide down the icy hill. I pick up speed surprisingly quickly. I unwillingly slide right into the middle of the race tracks and wipe out because i was going to fast. Everyone turns their heads. "Hi." I say.

People walk over to me and help me up. Brushing off the snow that got on my hair and clothes. "Thanks."

Wes finally gets over to the groups and notices my snowed out appearance. "Wow (Y/N)." He laughs, "Be careful next time." I put my hand on my chest. "I feel a heart beat. I'm alive."

"Ok so Wes you will go against Flitz and (Y/N) you will go against Lazercorn." Sonny said. (Is is Sonny or Sunny?) "Wes and Flitz first."

(Wes's P.O.V)

"GO WES----GO FLITZ----YOU GOT THIS" People cheered as me and Flitz got ready to start.

"3..2....1....GO!!!" Me and Flitz took off. I knew he would win because he had longer legs and is more of a runner as i am more of a weight lifter. I did manage to lose only by a foot. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

Flitz crossed the finish line and did a back flip. Or should i say attempted a back flip. He flipped then crashed to the floor. "I'm okay." He says getting up.

(Y/N) P.O.V)

"Good try Wes." I say taking the dino costume getting ready for my turn. "Thanks. I knew i couldn't stand a chance. We are talking about Flitz." Wes says.

I step into the suit and zip the back with the help of Wes. "RAWR BE SCARED." I say running up to Lazercorn who is still getting ready. "Oh no please don't hurt me." He says sarcastically. He gets into his suit and we start to walk towards the starting line.

I catch up to him and shove him so he falls to the ground. "Oh you wanna play that game." Lazercorn says starting to get back up. I flinch thinking he will do something but he walks to the starting point. You could tell everyone was shocked. This is not typical Lazercorn behavior. I brush it off and make my way towards Joe. "You ready?" Joe asks. "Yep." "Yeah." "OK. 3...2...1..GO!"

(Wes's P.O.V)

"3...2...1..GO!" Joe yells. (Y/N) and Lazercorn jumped into their running and bolted towards the finish line..

I saw (Y/N) knock over Lazercorn earlier and he didn't do anything. Somethings up and i think i see it happening right before my eyes.

I see Lazercorn moving in closer and closer. This is not going to end well. As if i predicted it he shoves (Y/N) full force onto the hard icy ground. You could hear her body hit the floor and i know something happened. Lazercorn didn't care and kept going until he crossed the line but nobody cheered for him. I heard the mic people say something wrong and others around me but i didn't wait for them. I was already booking it to where (Y/N) laid.

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Hope you enjoyed today's chapter. I am trying to add a bit of drama but not to the point of death. Like the clique car accident. This chapter was made 10/20/17 11:30 PM.

Well that's it Love Ya Birdies. CYA ~J birdie.

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