Chapter 28 Rebel Life.

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Hey guys so this is VERY IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ!! so fellow birdies i need help. I need help coming up with a good title for this book. I know its not the end but you get the just. If you have any suggestions please comment. Well that's it back TO THE BOOK!

(Wes's P.O.V)(EDITED)

"Thanks again Noah." I say picking up one of his suitcases to help him move. "Yeah no problem." He smiles and takes the remaining suitcase. We head out the room and down to (Y/N)'s old room. I knock and Joven opens it. "Hey Wes! Hey Noah!" Joven says happily. I glare at him and push past him to put Noah's stuff down. I leave right after that, smiling at Noah but ignoring Joven.

Joven needs to be careful. He dropped (Y/N) ON THE DECK!! THE ICE HARD DECK!!! I would not be sooo mad at Joven if (Y/N) didn't have a cast in the first place FROM falling on ICE. Why am i not mad at Lazercorn? I guess i was more worried about (Y/N) then being mad at Lazercorn. Joven knew she was injured but didn't respect that. You'd think you'd be a bit more aware if you're sexy dancing with a injured girl.  

(Joven's P.O.V)

I watch as Wes storms out of the room. Noah looks at me and eyes me suspiciously.  "What's going on with him?" He asked. "He is mad because i accidentally dropped (Y/N) during just dance. " I say letting Noah in and helping him unpack. "The rest of the games is gonna be interesting."

(Y/N)'s P.O.V)

I wait in a long hallway with my stuff waiting for Wes. He never really told me where his room is and i didn't want to barge into random peoples rooms. I hear stomping on the stairs and lo and behold Wes. Once he saw me, his angry expression changes into a happy one. I knew what was happening  

"Wes.." I say grumpily. "What." He smiles. "Please stop bulling Joven."  He looks at me in a blank stare then breaks into a smirk. "I don't know what your talking about." He turns around and heads towards his room. "Wes! Seriously it was an accident." I laugh running to catch up with him. 

We walk into his room and he flops on the bed. "You don't get it." He says. "Then explain." I say sitting on the bed next to him. He sighs and sits up. "It's not just because he dropped you. Even tho that is the thing that ticked me off." He laughs. I just nod keeping my ears focused. "It was the way he danced with you. He looked like he was having so much fun with you. He got so into it and...I got really jealous. To the point where Lazercorn had to tell me to cut it out. I guess i was glaring at him the whole time." He says sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

 "Wes.." I say hugging him to stop him from talking." Like i said i would never date Joven. Also he didn't know we were together so he didn't know his limits."  He smiles and hugs back. "Thanks (Y/N) I don't know what i would do without you." "You have only dated me for a day so.. You could do a lot of things." I say shoving him. "Oh shut up smart ass." He laughs. 

"So you promise you will apologize to Joven." I ask. "You never said ANYTHING about apologizing! He deserves what he got!" He laughs. "You're apologizing. GOOD NIGHT!" I yell jumping under the covers of the other bed. "Whatever." He says rolling his eyes. "Goodnight."

  "By the way i told Joven we're dating." I say hiding under the covers."(Y/N)! you promised." he whines. "Well i'm sorry he was sad that you were mad at him and i wanted to be the good person." "Fine." He says not saying no more. I think he fell alseep

(Lazercorn's P.O.V)

After the encounter with Wes and (Y/N) I ran back to my room. Out of breath i slammed the door shut. "What the heck Lazercorn." Flitz laughs. "I..Have....News." I say panting. "Ok spill." Flitz says knowing what it could be about. "They are Dating!!" I say excitedly. His mouth drops and smiles. "MY OTP!!" He yells. "This project is on cloud9 right now." He says already getting out his computer to add the new news. We took the rest of the night editing the project adding in the couple videos that i took today. This is on a roll.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V)

After Wes fell asleep i went downstairs to talk to everyone. It wasn't that late and everyone else was awake. Also I've spent the whole day with Wes so i didn't really get to talk to the others. "Hey guys." I said joining the smosh squad minus Noah. "Hey (Y/N). I haven't seen you much after just dance." Olivia said. "Yeah i had to babysit a grumpy Wes. He finally is taking a nap so he should be good by morning." I tease. But isn't he a man baby. Everyone laughs and continues the conversation. I go to know everyone and made friends. Me and Courtney actually had a bunch in common. We ended up talking until midnight.

"Well we better go to bed. We have that Wrapping contest early tomorrow. " I say gathering my stuff. "Yeah i'm pretty tired." She says yawning. We exchange goodnights and she headed to her room. While i had other plans.

I headed to the teams doctor and got my cast token off. I actually recovered fast and i was SICK OF IT. She said it can be token off but i still would have to be careful. I guess tomorrows wrapping challenge is gonna have to be taken easy...Nah. My arm is free so ill use it to its full capability.

I said goodnight to the remaining members still hanging out and walk up the stairs. Me being rebellious i ran down the hall and did a cartwheel. Not a good idea. I crashed to the ground cussing under my breath. Unfortunately I landed in front of Wes and I's room. I guess he heard the crash and rushed out the door to see me laying on the floor holding my arm.

 "Hi." I say innocently. "(Y/N) what the heck are you doing!" He says concerning. "And where is your cast?"  I got up still holding my arm and said. "I left that down stairs. I'll get it in the morning." I say walking in the room.  "(Y/N) seriously you need to wear your cast. No more being a rebel." He says sick of it. "I was allowed to take it off and i just wanted to do a cartwheel." I laughed. "You're an idiot." Wes said half joking half serious. "What!?!" I say totally innocent "I didn't choose the rebel life..The rebel life choose me." I say. He rolls his eyes "Goodnight (Y/N)." "Goodnight Wesley." I say cuddling my pillow.

HEY GUYS HOPE YOU ENJOYED TODAY'S CHAPTER!! Ok story time. Today i went on a date with my boyfriend and it was NOT good. We went to the mall and there was nothing to do. It was also very awkward considering he didn't want to talk. I told him sorry that i am awkward and that i suck at talking. PLZ HELP I NEED ADVICE! LOVE DOCTOR PLZ!!

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