Chapter Thirty-Four: Backup

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Forest's POV:

I waited patiently. Wrong word. I mean, impatiently for Amber to arrive.

Right now, i'm sitting on a bench that is near the gate, waiting for Amber to arrive eventhough it's already pass curfew time.

I sighed heavily. The school hasn't even started yet she already broke a rule.

I started feeling anxious. I feel like it's my fault why Amber is this late to arrive. If only I haven't told her about the mystery.

I stood up angrily, "Argh! I feel like I should take responsibility!" I shouted as I ran towards the academy for help.

While running, I saw in my peripheral vision the top one student in the whole school.

Seven Venice!

I turned and instead ran towards him.

When Seven saw me, he lightly smiled, as if knowing I was looking for him. 

He smiled. That cold bastard really smiled!

Which I couldn't help but feel confused. Seven is infamously known for looking down on people and wouldn't just randomly talk to people who are not his friends or relatives.

Becuase of his unshakable position as the number one student among the whole school, he's quite cocky and arrogant. He doesn't like talking to others that aren't his match. He's known for discriminating weak students that aren't in the Top 10 kings and queens list.

Here, in this school, there's a top down hierarchy. The school isn't called Kingdom University for nothing. This school is a place were 'the strong survives, and the weak dies' rule really happens. That's why in our ID's, there's always this level thing.

The hierarchy goes like this: There are kings and queens here, which are the leaders of each section, well some are not. Prince and princess are those next in-line for the leader position. Nobles, which are genius students but are still inferior to the prodigies. And Commoners are those whose talent are just below the geniuses.

In this school, even if you're a prince or princess of another country, you have to abide the rules and earn the title. This school is something no one can just offend.

Which I couldn't help but wonder, who invented this stupid social rule anyways.

"Forest." He called which I ended up shivering.

Usually, he'll call students like me trash, useless, servant, slave and the list goes on. But now.

Sure, I was able to enter the Wind and Lightning's Prodigy Section and earn my level as a Noble. Even with my achievement, he still treats me and every other students like nothing.

I still remembered the time where he turn me into a frog to use me as a guinea pig for his magical experiment.

But, something happened after he went to Epiphyllum. Which I couldn't help but wonder if it's connected to Amber?

"Hey! Uhm, Forest right? I was just looking for you. I was wondering if you've seen Amber?" He asked with a small smile while his eyes sparkled in joy.

Amber. It really is Amber, huh? That girl is really special. He even made this arrogant prince look for her.

I gasped for breath, "That's the problem. Amber haven't returned yet. I think something might have happened to her."

"What happened to Amber?"

I turned around and was met by the rest of Seven's friend. (Except for Zero). The six leaders of KU are now present in front of me.

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