1. Even Downworlders Know

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Emily Blake rushed out of the house, nearly face planting to the ground as she flew down the porch stairs and hurried over to the truck waiting in front of the next house. Her school bag, jacket and half eaten vegetable sandwich were all balanced in her hands, and it took a bit of genius effort not to drop any of them as she opened the passenger door. In her mind, she cursed how high the damn car was.

Gale Anderson, her best friend and neighbour of seven years, watched her from the driver's seat in quiet exasperation.

"I swear to gods, Em. One of these days your morning mad rush is going to cost you a tooth or two."

She threw her school bag into the backseat, closed the door and smiled at him. "Morning to you too, Gale. Hurry up or we are going to be late. "

Shaking his head, he started the car. "Says the girl who has kept me waiting for the past ten minutes."

She said nothing since she was already biting into her sandwich. Gale drove away from their two houses towards their high school.

"Sweet heavens, that guy!" Emily said the moment she swallowed her last bite of sandwich. Her brown eyes were wide with excitement.

"What guy?" Gale asked, only paying half attention to her sudden rant.

She scoffed. "What guy? Matthew Spencer, of course!"

He groaned and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Please, Em. Don't you think it's too early in the morning to get started about that stupid boy?"

"Stupid?" She looked at him as though he had just confessed to committing homicide. "Are you alright, Anderson?" She asked, giving him a concerned look.

His black eyes slipped over to her for a split second. "What? Yes. Why?"

She turned in her seat so that she could face him. "Because, even downworlders know that Matthew Spencer is anything but stupid. Hot, yes. Gorgeous, smart, pretty, hot--"

"You said hot twice," he pointed out drily. And downworlders, really? He had always known she wasn't all there.

"Because it's true. He is... " She trailed off, placing her palms over her chest dramatically. "Oh my God."

Gale's face twisted in disbelief. "Are you serious right now Blake? You are hyperventilating over this? Have you never seen a boy before?"

She shook her head. "No, not a boy from Spencer's species, not before."

"You are pathetic," he stated.

"I know," she agreed, her eyes fluttering shut. Behind her closed lids, she could see their new neighbour's face over and over again.

Yes, she definitely wasn't all there.

Gale shook his head and sped up. The faster they got to school, the faster they both went different ways and he stopped hearing about stupid his highness prince charming Matthew Spencer.

Emily and Gale had lived next door to each other for seven years, and had grown close over the years. They did a lot of stuff together, including getting to school late and sneaking out of their houses in the middle of the night just for the fun of it.

Matthew Spencer was the latest addition to the neighbourhood. He had moved in with the Millers, a middle aged couple who lived two houses down from Emily's house on the other side of the street.

The previous night, the Miller's had invited some of the neighbours to dinner to purposely welcome and introduce Matt to the fold. Apparently, Lucy Miller was Matt's mother's elder sister.

Matt was Emily and Gale's age. He was a bit taller than Gale, way taller than Emily, and had eyes similar to Gale's. He kept his black hair short on the sides and long at the top with a fringe falling to his forehead.

He was smart, he was gorgeous and he had a one dimpled smile. Right cheek.

He was exactly Emily's type. The type that looked as if they had stepped right out of the pages of a young adult novel.

Gale knew this, and he hated it.


Hello hellooo! Welcome to my new story. Ready for twists and turns? Alright, buckle up, I'll be your captain for this ride!

1st Jul 2017.

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