31. I Don't Care

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"Emily is now uh, dating Matt?"

Gale groaned and pressed a hand to his brow. "I didn't say that, and can you please keep your voice down?" He begged, throwing frantic looks around the courtyard. The weather had turned out to be extremely hot in the afternoon, and some students had escaped the confines of the dining hall.

"You said they went out on a date didn't you?" Lou questioned, leaning further towards him, her hands pressing onto the table top.

"That's not dating."

She rolled her eyes. "I think I remember with accuracy what my English teacher taught me about doing words."

Gale waved a hand. "Whatever, why are we even talking about this?"

"Because I want to know... Does she know about your little kiss that night?"

Gale sat back, his brow arching. "I thought you forgot all about that?"

Lou's brow shot up, giving him a disbelieving look. "Me? Forget that?" She fanned her face with her hand. "Do you have any idea how hot it was?"

Gale waved his hands in a placating manner, ignoring the steady rise of heat up his neck. "Okay okay, I get it, but we agreed never to talk about it again, remember? She's never to know, remember?"

Lou tossed her dark hair back and groaned. "You're no fun, Anderson."

"Just shut up about it okay?"

She pouted in displeasure. "Well can I at least ask one thing?"

"What?" He prompted, wanting the conversation to be over before any of their friends showed up at the table.

She grinned. "Has it ever happened again?"

He squeezed the carton of juice in his hand, almost flattening the thing. "What?" He sputtered, praying for someone to show up then and stop the dangerous path Lou was treading on. "No, of course not!"

But even as he denied it, his face flamed, and he hated how susceptible he was to the stupid blushes. Juice spluttered out of the carton as the carton gave in under his squeeze. He relaxed his hold and reached for his phone.

Where were Bran, Isaac and the rest of them when he needed them?

Lou giggled. "Oh, you so did."


"Did. Where? When?"

"When what?" Another voice interrupted, and for the first time Gale was actually relieved to have the company of Mellisa.

Lou scowled but Gale turned around, looking up at the girl he had practically ditched the previous Saturday but who despite that was still flashing a smile at him.

"When are you going to leave?" Lou muttered lowly, but Gale heard it.

Mellisa narrowed her eyes at the other girl. "What?"

"Hey people."

Gale watched with even bigger relief as Isaac sat down next to Lou and gave Mellisa a blank stare. "You want something?"

Melissa glowered, before looking down at Gale. "I'll talk to you later." Then she strutted away, her hand lingering on Gale, moving across his shoulders as she moved away.

"What was she doing here?" Another voice asked, and Gale detected the carefully hidden tone of annoyance in the otherwise casual question.

He watched with bated breath as Emily put her tray down next to his, then Matt placed his next to hers. Matt held his gaze raising an eyebrow and cocking his head towards Mellisa's disappearing figure.

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