25. Walking Straight Into Hell

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"Hey, did you get him?"

"Uh, yeah, we are on our way back now," Matt replied, kicking his head back into the headrest.

Hearing Emily's voice made him feel even worse, and immediately regret his actions of the past few minutes. Nobody had forced him to ask her out, bring the possibility of them actually dating, yet here he was, cozying up to her best friend.

"How drunk is he?" Emily asked further, her voice suppressed to a low whisper.

Matt looked at Gale. He had his face hidden in his hands, muttering inaudibly.

"Uh, pretty."

"So it wouldn't be a good idea to take him to his house, the lights are still on in his parents' room, if he gets caught he is going to be in trouble. Bring him round to mine, okay? He can crash here and they are used to him staying over and they'll never find out."

Emily Blake, scheming to save her lying, cheating best friend like the loyal friend she was. Matt realised then that none of them deserved her, not him, and not Gale.

"Okay, fine."

Then Emily hung up, and Matt started the car.

They were silent the entire ride, Gale still hiding out in his hands, going over how pathetic of a person he was, knowing not even his intoxication could excuse his actions.

"We are here," Matt said finally, pulling up to Emily's curb.

Gale lifted his head, gazed out, looked at the Blakes' house in confusion.

"Emily said to drop you here so you don't get busted by your parents," Matt explained, seeing the confusion on Gale's face.

Gale shook his head immediately. "No, no. I can't... I can't even look at her right now, no."

He went to open the door, but Matt grabbed his hand. "Wait, okay? She won't know."

Gale snatched his hand away. "I feel like shit. I would rather my parents catch me than face her and pretend to be her friend, because I'm anything but."

He opened his door, and in his hurry to get out stumbled. Someone caught him though, otherwise he would have gotten some nasty injuries.

"Jeez, watch it," Emily scolded, supporting his taller body.

When he was able to regain his balance, he pushed away from her.

"We need to get inside fast before someone looks out and sees you," she told him in a hurried tone.

He shook his head, looking anywhere but at her. "I'll go home," he said.

Emily gave him a puzzled look. "You know what your mum will do if she catches you drunk right?"

"Yes," he replied, then turned on his feet and shuffled towards his house.

Emily went after him and grabbed his arm. "Are you crazy?" She seethed, turning him round to face her.

"Leave me alone," he grumbled snatching his arm away. Then he sped towards his house, staggering a little.

Emily whirled around to Matt, who was now behind her. "What's wrong with him?"

Matt shifted on his feet, gazing past her. He shrugged. "He lost the game, he's in a foul mood."

"That doesn't explain his walking straight into hell with eyes wide open," she insisted, turning back to glower at Gale, who was now almost at his door.

Matt looked at the keys in his hands and locked the truck.

Yeah, it didn't.

"Maybe he won't get caught," he said.

"Oh, he sure will. His mother is wide awake. He can be so stupid some times."

Emily watched as Gale pushed the door open and disappeared into the house.

"Whatever, maybe it will teach him never to drink again," she said with a sigh. She looked upset.

"You'll give him these in the morning?" Matt requested, handing her the keys.

Emily took them and shoved them into her hoodie pocket. "Yeah, I will."

Then she waited for him to say something, but he didn't. Instead, he gazed at the ground, biting his lip and frowning.

"You okay?" She asked finally, a little timid.

"Yeah," he replied. "It's pretty late, guess we should all go crash."

By this time, her pulse was already quickened, expecting him to say something more. But it didn't look like he was going to, and he wasn't even looking at her.

"Uh, yeah," she said, folding her arms around herself.

She waited for him to step forward, maybe hug her, but he didn't.

"Goodnight," she said, turning to leave.

"Night, Em."

She hastened her steps, then ran to the door, determined not to break down in his presence.

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