39. Couldn't Help It

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It was evening, practice was over, and Gale was sure Mellisa had been bluffing about not shutting up about it because so far he hadn't heard a word of it around school. He was going to tell Matt that Mellisa knew about them when a breathless Lou ran into them as they headed for the outside.

"Oh shit, Gale. Fuck, she knows!"

Gale's heart skipped a beat.


"What? Who knows what?" Matt asked urgently.

"Em," Lou replied. "She knows about that dare and she's so upset. I'm sorry, I should have stopped Janet from saying anything but I couldn't remember whether she was there or not, I think I'd been more drunk than I thought."

The two boys stared at her, speechless.

Gale was panicked, his insides twisting and strangling him and filling his entire being with dread. "Where's she?"

"In the girls'...you are not going to talk to her are you?" Lou asked frantically, eyes blown.

Gale didn't answer as he started down the hallway.

"Wait!" Matt called, keeping up.

"I have to explain," Gale said then ran down the hallway.

"Fuck I don't think that's a good idea," Lou cried, pressing her palms to her cheeks.

No, it wasn't.


She could put it all together.

God, she had been so stupid. It had all been right before her eyes.

The apologies.

The senseless cold wars between the two.

Remembering that the second apology had come that night Matt had first taken her out was like having a knife sank into her chest and getting twisted.

No wonder Matt had acted so weird and distanced afterwards.

Her best friend, and her boyfriend.

She couldn't believe it. But it was true.

Since when was Gale gay anyway? Had he always been gay? Did that even matter? No. Why had he gone and done that? Why had Matt...

Oh gods, Matt.

Sweet heart swooning Matt.

She couldn't even begin to imagine him betraying her like that. Her mind went over and over through how perfect of a boyfriend he was, how sweet he was, how he never did anything out of turn, how he always made her smile, how he paid her so much attention and put her desires first...

Maybe if he had been a shit boyfriend, it wouldn't have hurt that much.

Because it hurt.

The tears kept coming, flowing down her cheeks and to her chin. Unreleased ones choked her, making her cough relentlessly.

Can you come with me some place after school? I need to tell you something.

When Matt had told her that on their ride to school that morning, she had replied positively with a smile, her love sick mind sorting through possible happy things he had planned.

Now that she thought about it, she remembered him being somewhat jumpy all day, and he had avoided her eyes on several occasions. Why was she only thinking of it just now?

Who said love is blind? They were right.

A humourless laugh escaped her lips, mangled up with a cry.

My Best Friend's Boyfriend | BxBΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα