14. We Could Try Again

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Matt, 8.37pm: That's great. We could try again, next time won't be as bad, I think.

With her face down over her phone, Emily almost face planted into her closed bedroom door. She stopped at the last moment and pushed it open, then closed it behind her. She leaned against it.

8.42pm: Or maybe that's a bad idea. :)

He hadn't sent another one after that. Emily looked at the time displayed at the top of the screen. 9.27 pm. Not too late.

She headed for her bed, constructing a possible reply in her mind. Her window was wide open, her curtains billowing in the night wind. Beyond that, she could see Gale's open window. He was sitting on the sill, his head tipped back. Sighing, she moved across her room and leaned out of her window.

"Gale? What are you doing there?" She asked.

His eyes dropped to her from the sky. "What does it look like I'm doing, Emily?"

She tilted her head to the side. "Hopefully not considering a jump?"

He scoffed. "How was the ride?"

Totally embarrassing.

"Cool. What were you burning in the backyard?" She asked.

"Nothing. How do you know that?"

"Mum saw you. So, what are you doing there?"


Emily rolled her eyes and reached to pull her window shut. "Good night, Gale."

He stayed quiet, saying nothing as she shut her window and dropped the curtains.

Gale wouldn't be sitting on the ledge of his window late at night if he was okay, and Emily should have known it. She knew it. She had been his friend for seven straight years, she was supposed to bother him a little.

Normally, she would have.

She seemed preoccupied.

Matt, it has to be him. All she cares about nowadays is him, all she thinks about. If he wasn't here, she would have sat on her window sill too, and we would have stayed out here together for minutes, talking about everything and nothing. That would make me feel better.

But instead, she had left him there, feeling cold and lonely.

A few minutes later, Gale left his spot and retreated back to his room. Grabbing his headphones, he put them on and laid back on his bed, on top of his covers. Then he put on the music as loud as possible, closed his eyes, and wished himself into some sort of oblivion where no thought existed. Maybe the noise in his ears would go to his mind and keep away the dreams of him kissing Matt, over and over again, like a song on repeat.

Emily: 9.40pm: I don't think I'll be up for that any time soon.

She didn't even have enough time to reread the already sent text when Matt replied back.

Matt 9.40pm: I've never had motion sickness, so sadly I can't put myself in your shoes :-(

Her cheeks splitting from a smile, she texted right back.

Emily, 9.41pm: It's horrible, and I hate being sick :-\

Matt, 9.41pm: I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Emily, 9.42pm:  It's cool, I don't mind avoiding two wheeled death traps for the rest of my life :-)

Matt, 9.42 pm: Death traps? 😂

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