8. I Want To Play With Him

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Emily sat in her spot on the bleachers and watched the action below, feeling detached and weirdly out of place.

The first football game of the school year had just ended, they had beaten St. Peter's two goals to one, and the field was flooded with celebrating Eden High Students.

Normally, she would be down there, hugging the hell out of Gale. But not today.

Lou was sat beside her, growing restless by the minute. "Are you coming or not? I want to take pictures!"

"Go ahead," Emily dismissed her. "I'll just stay here."

"Why?" Lou asked, shooting to her feet at the same time. She didn't wait for an answer, but started her flight down the bleachers, yelling, "Wait for me."

Emily was not paying attention, since her eyes were glued on her two neighbours.

Matt had been substituted into the game in the eightieth minute in Scott's place while it was a one one draw, and five minutes later he had provided Gale with an assist that had ended up in the net.

And now, they were like old best friends, stuck to each other's side, taking multiples of photos with their fans. Which meant that they were mobbed by the entire Eden High cheerleading franchise, with Toni keeping a firm hold on Matt's arm while Mellisa covered Gale's side. Which was why Emily had chosen not to go down there, since there was clearly no space for her.

Gale had never paid that much attention to the girls before, so what was up now?

Or was he overjoyed at the fact that he and Matt had clicked perfectly on the field? There is always that pair or threesome of players that play awesomely when put together, always, and even though Matt had been on the field for only the last ten minutes, and not on his traditionally favoured position, it was clear that they could make a great pairing.

Whatever the reason, Emily was feeling left out. She was beginning to understand what Gale felt when she paid all her attention to Matt.

Was she jealous?

No, hell no. Not of Matt and Gale. What on earth is wrong with those girls? Could Matt really be into Toni? No, the stupid bitch pushes herself  on to any single guy in the radius. And not specifically single guys...

She was happy they had won.

And wasn't she over her crush on Matt, anyway? The guy was nice, really nice, but he wasn't interested in her, so maybe it was time she took her interest elsewhere.

But he is so sweet... And that dimple...

She loved his company, he was fun, he could take a joke, he was...


She blinked out of her deep swoon worthy but almost depressing thoughts when Lou screamed her name from the field. She caught sight of her waving her down. She wanted to shake her head and refuse, but saw that Lou was dragging Gale with her. He flashed her a wide smile, cupped his palms around his mouth and yelled for her to come down.

As if he had been who she had been waiting for, she rose to her feet and skipped down the stairs. They met her on the sidelines.

"Are you Okay?" Gale asked her, his voice a little loud because of all the noise around.

She nodded, a smile slipping onto her face quite naturally. She stuck her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and swayed with an awkward air. "Congrats. Two goals, huh?"

"Thanks. Did you see how Spencer played? He should totally start next time," he praised the other boy, brimming with excitement.

"And bench you?" She teased.

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