40. I Don't Think I'll Make It

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"Something you want to say, Scott?"

Scott jerked up, tripping into the locker behind him. Gale had noticed him staring from the side, and when he had kept at it for almost a minute, he could no longer ignore the piercing gaze. God knew he had suffered a lot of piercing gazes all day.

Scott cleared his throat and looked around uneasily, then his eyes locked on Gale's. "Yes. Is it true? What I heard?"

Gale laughed quietly to try and hide the tension that he was suddenly feeling. "How would I know what you heard, Scottie?"

Scott shoved him playfully. "You won't always get away with calling me that, you know?"

Gale thrust his tongue out at him. "Scottie Scottie Scottie--"

"Is someone high over here?" Evan appeared and rested his elbow on Scott's shoulder. He looked between them, then wiggled his brow at Gale. "Maybe on Spencer's kisses?"

Gale swallowed while Scott hit Evan on the shoulder. "You--"

"What?" Evan challenged, arching a brow at Scott. "It's what you were going to ask him about, true?"

Scott dropped his hand and looked at Gale, smiling sheepishly. "Uh, yeah."

Evan looked back at Gale. "So? You and Matt, you been sitting in trees kissing?"

Gale frowned then his face heated up while Scott choked up on laughter and hit Evan again. Evan poked him back. "How did we not notice?"

Scott grinned and shrugged. "I have no idea, we were too busy admiring Trevor's curls, I guess."

"Did I hear my name?" Trevor's voice cut in, and they turned to find him leaning around the block of lockers. His dark curls were hanging down the sides of his face, and he lifted his hand to push back the ones in his face.

"In your dreams," Scott replied. Trevor rolled his eyes and disappeared behind the lockers.

"So?" Evan arched an eyebrow at Gale.

Gale sighed and his eyes locked on the floor. "Yeah."

Scott gave a low whistle. "Okay now I'll keep my eyes open."

Evan reached out and took hold of Gale's chin then lifted his face to look at them. "It's okay."

Gale swallowed. "You don't mind?"

"Nope," Evan said while Scott shook his head studiously.

Gale cleared his throat. "Thanks guys." Their acceptance was a relief, and gave him something positive to dwell on while Emily was still not talking to him.

The door to the locker room opened and Matt stepped in, his gym bag slung over his shoulder. Evan grabbed Scott's arm and pulled him away. "We'll leave you two love birds alone," he said with a wink then disappeared behind the lockers.

Gale's nervous reaction to Matt surfaced, especially because what had happened had somehow put some distance between them. They had barely talked during the day, their thoughts all on Emily.

Matt came and stopped beside him, and gave him a smile. "Hey."

"Hey," he replied back, his eyes flitting around his face but avoiding his eyes. It was scary how things had changed from how they had been just the previous morning.

"So I finally got hold of Emily--"

"What?" Gale interrupted, perking up. "What did she say?"

Matt sighed. "To give her time, then we can talk."

"Oh," Gale muttered, and bit onto his lip.

There was a sudden banging on the locker rooms' door, then coach's loud voice bellowed, "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING LAZING IN HERE? ANYONE LATE TO THE FIELD GETS TEN LAPS, NON NEGOTIABLE!"

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