6. Suffering In Silence

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Had he heard any of what Gale had said? Had he heard about her apparent crush on him? How was she going to face him ever again?

And Gale.

Why was he so stupid? What on earth was wrong with him.

Emily groaned and rolled over in her bed, burying her face in her bed sheets. It was way past early morning, almost noon, and she was still in her room. If she woke up, she might end up outside, and if she went outside, she might run into Matt or his royal highness jerk face Gale.

It was getting hot though, and she rolled over again and arose. Yawning, she walked over to her window and drew the curtains.

She glared at the house next door, then turned away and left the room to go to the bathroom which was down the hallway.

When she got back to her room, Gale was there, sitting on her bed, using his phone. He looked up on noticing her. He shot to his feet, a thoroughly apologetic look on his face.

"I'm so sorry Em. I'll do anything. Anything," he stressed, "to make it up to you."

She groaned again, went back into the hallway and trudged downstairs. She could hear him coming after her.

"If it makes you feel any better, I already went over to Matt's and made peace."

She stopped in her tracks and whirled round to face him. "What? "

He smiled, then scratched behind his ear. "Well, before what happened last night, we had actually talked during practice and I had promised to show him the track I took for my morning run. Today I went over and we went on the run together...we are cool now."

She nodded. "Well then good for you."

She turned and continued on her way. He followed her to the kitchen.

"He asked me if it's true, what I said."

She opened the fridge and stuck her head in. "About?"

"You having a crush on him."

Emily jumped, hit the top of her head on the fridge, then fell on her butt with a yelp. "Fuck!"


She rubbed her head, her face twisted in pain. He knelt beside her and took her hand away. He tried to rub it too, but he touched a tender spot where a bump was already forming, and she recoiled with a curse.

"Fuck you Gale!"

He shot to his feet. "Jeez! I'm sorry! I was just trying to help!"

She came to her feet and took a seat on the counter. Gale went to the other side. "Need anything like ice?"

"I'm fine," she snapped.

He started getting things and soon he had flour, eggs and other stuff beside a big mixing bowl.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Pancakes. Peace offering."


She rubbed her head a bit more while he mixed ingredients. "So what did you say?"


She rolled her eyes. "About me crushing on him."

"Oh ah... " he looked at her and smiled softly. "Actually... "

"Yes?" she prompted.

"I was just messing with you."

She stared at him for several seconds, uncomprehending.

His hands came up in surrender. "We did go on the run, and made our peace, but he didn't say anything about the crush."

"You made me hit my head for nothing, Gale!" She seethed.

He gestured towards the bowl. "And I'm making peace! Besides, I think we should do something."

"Do what?"

"About your crush on him! Aren't you tired of suffering in silence?"

She have him an incredulous look. "Suffering?"

"Let him know."

She sighed and folded her hands on the counter. "Gale, just make pancakes."

"Real women go after what they want, Emily!"

"I never said I was a real woman."

"Clearly not."

She glared. "What's the deal with you, anyway? Why are you vouching for him now? I thought you didn't like me spending time with him."

"I'm vouching for you, not him."

"Well no need to worry, my crush is almost through its standard lifespan. One more week to go."


She banged her hand on the counter. "Make the stupid pancakes, Gale. I'm starving!"


Short, I know 😐

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