38. It Was A Dare

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I run into Olivia -obviously. We are in the same class- and she gives me a glare that's most likely meant to freeze me to hell or burn me alive or make me sink underground. Just something sinister, you get the picture.

Well I don't care.

I'm too busy dreaming up castles in the air, of how it would be like to actually be together with Matt -like dating him. And the rest of the time I'm busy shitting myself whenever I think of Em. I can't think of a way this might end without doing damage all round.

I might lose her.



Just when I think I have enough troubles for the day, Mellisa waylays me on my way to the dining hall for lunch. She doesn't look too happy. Her arms are folded tightly over her bust, and her lips are twisted into a sneer.

"Are you back to your ex girlfriend?" She asks, a question that has been thrown my way too many times today I'm seriously considering skipping the rest of the classes.

I sigh tiredly. "No."

"But you slept with her."

Slept? Huh. That's a different one. Since everyone 'knows' we did it in the closet, they have been using a more appropriate term for it, the same one Scott asked.

"No I didn't," I answer tiredly. "Can we not--"

"You did," she interrupts. "Why would you take that whore back? Why have you never given me a chance? Why do you hate me?"


What's she talking about?

And she's raising her goddamned voice, we are in the hallway, students are all over the place!

"Lisa, I don't."

"What does she have that I don't?"

Oh my God.

Why do girls even do that? What does it matter 'what you have'? If someone can't like you for 'what you have', then he doesn't deserve you, why does it matter what the other girl 'has'? The right person will love you and all you 'have' and not give a shit about what all the other billion girls 'have'.

Okay, rant over, that's beside the point.

I push a hand through my hair. "Can we not do this now? And I didn't sleep with that wench for god's sake!" I say, irritated.

"Will you go out with me then?"

My eyes widen because it seems that she has decided to lay down her calm flirty approach and demand for what she wants.

"No I can't."

She flips her hair and cackles. Not a good sign...

"You can't." She deadpans.

Never a good sign...

"Would that be because you are too busy loving up your best friend's boyfriend?"

I freeze.


I forget to breathe. I can only stare at her.

I've heard what she has said, but it's as if my brain doesn't want to acknowledge it. My stupid, very very stupid brain doesn't want to catch up.

She sniggers. "You didn't really think it was a perfectly hidden secret, did you?"

I grab her hand and drag her down the hallway to an empty class, everybody gone to lunch. I close the door behind us and look at her frantically. "Lisa--"

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