32. Think About You

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Before anyone gets confused please remember we have two Evans, one is Emily's brother and the other is Gale's teammate. Okay now read on :).

"Has your mum said anything yet?"

"Nothing. And trust me, that's worse than her scolding me. She might be planning my ten dimensional punishment for all I know," Gale answered, flipping through channels on the TV.

It was Friday evening, finally, the end of his suspension. He was with Emily and Matt in his living room, Matt there because the game for that week fell on Saturday, the next day. The team would be travelling two hours for an away game, and even though Gale wouldn't be playing, he would still accompany the team.

"Can we actually watch something?" Matt asked chuckling and grabbed the remote out of Gale's hand.

Gale had been lying on his back, his legs going over the edge of the couch, and now he turned around and lunged across Emily at Matt who was sat on her other side. "Give it back!"

Emily laughed and pushed him back. "He's right, you've been flipping through channels for twenty minutes now without settling anywhere."

"You're my best friend you're supposed to be on my side," Gale reminded her, making a sad face.

"Shut up," she ordered, her face heating up. Then she stood up. "Be back shortly." Then she was gone, most probably to the bathroom.

"What do you do all day, anyway?" Matt asked, taking over the channel flipping.

"Think about you?" Gale said with a chuckle.

Then regretted it seconds later when the air suddenly became tense. He hadn't thought before saying it, and he was afraid he was picking some of Matt's habits.

"Shit I shouldn't have said that," he said moments late cursing around his head.

"No it's okay," Matt said, settling on a sports channel.

Gale cleared his throat and searched his mind for something to say to get rid of the awkwardness. His eyes shot to the television and he groaned at the sight of some team in training. "Change that, it's making me depressed."

Matt's brow shot up. "What? Why?"

"Because I seem to have messed up my chances of ever getting anywhere with football," he grumbled. "Totally see myself doing some business course now."

"That's ridiculous, the scouts can't just drop you out of their radar just because of one messy game," Matt objected.

"It's not just that," Gale mumbled.

"Yeah?" Matt prompted, switching the channels yet again.

Gale's fingers fidgeted with the hem of his basketball vest, his teeth gnawing on his lip. "Nothing, it doesn't matter."

"No I think it does if it makes you feel like you can't play football anymore," Matt pressed, then shut off the TV and tossed the remote onto the table. He turned so that he was facing Gale. He tugged at a strand of Gale's hair. "Sit up."

Gale groaned and turned around, now lying on his stomach and pressing his face into a cushion. "Forget I said anything."

Matt sighed. "I won't push."


"But I have a question."

Gale nodded. "Ask."

"That girl, that Olivia girl, I heard she was your girlfriend?"

The question caught Gale by surprise, being the last thing he could have expected Matt to ask about. Not even Emily had mentioned her since that day.

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