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             Tobias's POV
   Tris is still half asleep when we get to her appointment. I sit down on the chair next to the examination table. I have to keep tapping Tris to wake her up.
     "Hello," the doctor says loudly when he walks in. Oh no. Its that same doctor she had the day she gave birth to Jax. "How's your guys son doing?" He asks.
    "Great," we both answer.
    "So, I would like you to explain your situation," he says. Tris looks at me with a shy look. She's never told me what kind of pain it feels like.
    "Well at first it was discomfort and a little pain. Now it feels like a knife is cutting me open," she answers him. I sigh, looking down at my hands. I wish I hadn't heard that. The redness of her face tells me she wishes she hasn't had to say it.
    "Well dyspareunia, which is just a fancy word for painful intercourse, can be caused by many things. There is natural reasons that can be fixed very easily, or it could because of a disease. What I'm going to do is look in there to see if there's any scaring, and that will tell us what the problem is," he says.
    "Okay," Tris says, laying​ down, bending her legs after taking her underwear and jeans off. He ours a white cloth over her, blocking what I've already seen. He looks over at me.
    "You sure you want to be in here while this is going on?" He asks with a grin. I nod. Tris is fighting to keep her eyes open. We went to sleep at a normal time last night, so I can't see a reason for her being so tired today. The last time she was like this, it was because she was pregnant. Ohhhhhh.
    Tris winces as he does something. I take her hand and and squeeze it. Something pops up on the screen, so I look away. After a few minutes, he stops what he was doing and throws the tools away.
    "Well, the good news is no disease," he says, writing something down on the clip board. "But there were a few scarred tissue which can be cause by just being a little too rough, and there is a lot of lack of natural wetness" he says and winks at me. I glare. "Other than that, this can also be caused by stress, or negative feelings about your partner."
    "Is there anything I can do for that?" She asks.
    "Longer foreplay if you guys do that, make sure she's ready before going in, or lub," he replies. She nods. He stands up and shakes out hands. Tris stands and ours her underwear and jeans back on.
    "Negative feelings about your partner?" I ask, now standing. She chuckles.
    "He said that could be another cause, but it's not. I love you," she says. She rests her hands on my chest. "Plus, your sexy as hell." I grin to myself and kiss her.
    "Let's get going."
       "Mommy, daddy," the kids say as we walk inside. I pick them up and carry them into the living area. Tris sits down next to us and kisses their heads. She yawns.
    "Get some sleep, love. I've got them," I tell her. She kisses me softly on the lips before walking tiredly to the room and closing the door behind her.
    Both Jax and Damion fall asleep watching some old cartoon movie. I get up off the couch and go to the foot to check on Tris. She's sound asleep on my side of the bed, curled up in a little ball.
    "Baby," I say, shaking her shoulder. She flinches as she wakes, reminding me of how she used to be coming out of her fear simulations. "You've been asleep for almost five hours." She looks at the time and groans, flopping back onto the bed. I lay down in her side, resting my head one her stomach and looking up at her.
    "I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so tired lately," she says, running her fingers through my short hair. I bite my lip.
   "Remember the last time you were getting tired a lot? You needed up finding out you were pregnant," I tell her. She looks at me with wide eyes.
    "But we haven't had full on sex in-"
    "You could be a few months along," I suggest. She let's out a shakey breath.
   "Should I take a few tests to see?" She asks me. I know she has pregnancy tests in the bathroom under the sink. I nod. She stands up and walks into the bathroom.
    She comes out seven minutes later with the rests in hand. "Nothing," she says sounding a little disappointed. "Do you think we'll ever have another baby?"
    "We just got one-"
    "No, I mean like me carrying the child. Me and you," she says. I pulls her by her waist onto the bed.
    "I really hope so. I want nothing more than to have another child with you. And when the time is right, it'll happen."
   She smiles at me. "I love you."
    "I love you too, six."

AN: Well now that they know what's wrong, cross fingers. Do you guys think they'll have another baby? Comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪 -Veah

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