Back In Time

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             Tobias's POV
    She's been in surgery for about twenty minutes now, removing all the tissue that's been causing her this pain. My heart hurts from knowing that I've technically caused this. However, there is no way we could have known that this time we made love, it would trigger it that bad. And I know she faked her orgasm in the shower, I can feel when she does usually, I had to fake it too cause there was no way I was enjoying myself while she was in pain.
    The tissue that was causing her pain while having sex awhile back, has gotten worse since...certain people were too rough with her. I guess I wasn't as slow and steady as I thought and it did something.
    Zeke walks in with the kids  and walks over. I take Arden from him and kiss her small cheek. "They are so well behaved," he says as of he's in total shock of that. The doors open and Tris's parents come in. I called the in case of something. You can say that I'm not a big fan of hospitals since what happened.
    "Is she okay?" Mr.Prior asks. Just as I'm about to answer a do for walks in.
    "Eaton," he says. I stand and make my over as fast a I can. I find myself wishing it was the doctor that has a thing for me cause I'm used to him and have grown to trust him. "Your Tris Priors Husband right?"
   "Its Eaton," I correct. When we got remarried, we both put Prior-Eaton so mist people are confused on what to call us. He nods once and looks at the clipboard that's in his hands.
    "We got all the tissue, it was nothing life threatening. I do suggest being careful while having sex from now on just to be safe; her body is very delicate," he says. For some reason, that makes me tense. "And the main thing is that because we gave her both Peace and Truth serum to calm her nerves, she might have some memory loss. Its nothing permanente, but it's something you should be aware of. There's no telling what year she'll be in, in her head, so just let her take her time on this."
   I shake his head and thank him before turning back to Mr. and Mrs.Prior and tell them. They follow me into the room while Zeke brings the kids back home. I get into the room to see Tris looking around in confusion. "Hey, love," I hesitantly say. Her eyes widen.
   "Um...why'd you call me me that, Four?" She asks. Well I know what tear she's in. Initiation. "Did I get hurt?" I look at her parents. The start a conversation of their own so I can tell her while they aren't listening.
    "You had some scared tissue, and when you and I were...making love, it hurt you really bad," I explain to her. Her eyes widen.
   "There's no way. I've never had sex!" Her parents heads turn towards us. This would be even more awkward if we didn't have kids. "Your my instructor-"
    "No, Tris-"
    "Mom, dad?" She asks in shock. I look up at them.
    "Hey, sweety," Andrew says. "What's the last thing you remember?" He asks her.
    "I went to sleep with in the corridor," she says. I rub my temples. "I don't understand what's happening. But what really confuses me is why are you here, Four?" My shoulders slump.
    "Tris, initiation was nearly five years ago," I tell her. Her eyes widened. "I'm your husband. We have three kids-"
    "That's impossible, you'," she says, her hands shaking. I stand up and look at her parents.
    "You guys can have some time with her. I'm gonna go check up on the kids," I say. They nod and I leave.
               Tris's POV
     There's no way all this can be true. I can't be married to him, he's my instructor, isn't that against rules or something. And having kids, I'm sure I would remember something like that. The look in Four's eyes tell me that all he's saying has to be the truth though.
   "If what he just said is true, why-why can't a remember? How old am I?" I ask my parents. They look at each other before sitting down on opposite sides of the bed. 
    "Your almost twenty one," my mom tells me. "And yes, what he was saying​ is completely true. He's your husband, we went to your wedding. We were there when your children were born."
    "You can't remember any of this because in order to preform the surgery, they had to calm you down so you would fall asleep. They injected you with both Peace and Truth serum, it messed with some of your nerves, so you've temperately lost your memory," my dad say.
    "But Four? Why did I marry him? He's...scary and intimidating," I say. They both chuckle at that.
    "That's what we thought when we found out about the relationship. But you feel in love with him and you two make a beautiful family." I smile at that and watch as the door opens.
   Four walks back in and seems a little more relaxed. "The kids are asleep. I understand if your tired and need to get home," he says. My eyes meet his. It doesn't feel like he's my husband. They stand and make their way to the door.
    "We'll come by tomorrow to check up on her," they say. I look stand up after their gone to stretch. Four makes his way over when he hears me wince.
    "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod and close my eyes briefly.
    "I'll be back," I say as I make my way to the bathroom. My head is still spinning from all of this.
      The next day isn't different, I don't remember. I get go home around eight so I can try and heal right. Then again, I don't completely know what happened.
    Four comes out of the bathroom in sweats and nothing else, the lining of his black boxers showing. I feel weird for even looking at him right now whole he's not fully dressed. He gets in bed and looks at me.
    "Still nothing?" He asks. I shake my head. He sits up and looks into my eyes. "Can I kiss you?'' I'm surprised, but not slowly. He leans in and presses our lips together, his rough calloused hand cupping my cheek. Our lips move together until I pull back. I'm positive I've looked into his eyes millions of times, but it feels like the first time. They are so beautiful with their dark blue coloring.
     After Four fell asleep, I couldn't. I rub my and up his back, studying his tattoo. All the factions. He shifts and turns to his side so he's facing me. His arm drapes over my waist as he pulls em closer to him and rests his head on my breasts. I feel uncomfortable like this, bit don't wake him. Instead, I relax and close my eyes.

AN: Again, I'm sorry for the lack of updates! I always  say this, but it's true this time, things will pick up since this is almost over! Comment and share! Be brave 🔪🔪🔪    -Veah

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