Chapter 15

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"Let's walk home!" Romma suggested after we were done saying goodbye to all the kids. I looked at her. "Come on Waqqar! I wanna walk! I'll tell my driver to take your bike back to your house."  She said. I looked at Meena and she nodded. "Yes, Wainee! Meena wants to spend time with Romma!!" She said. I gave in. "Okay, fine." I agreed.

At first, Meena and Romma were talking to each other about God knows what. I was just minding my own business, studying the beautiful veiw. The orphanage was located between a huge garden and the main road. I could see the garden clearly and all the beauty of Allah's creation. Even though it was cold, birds were chirping and the flowers were so bright in colour as if they just bloomed. It was a magical sight. There were benches under the shade of a cherry tree. It was beautiful.

But Meena ran ahead, Leaving Romma and I alone. The silence between us was disturbing and I could see that Romma felt that way as well. "So, today was a great day." She started a conversation first. I nodded. "Sure was. It was also quite productive." I agreed. She just looked at the ground, locking her arms behind her.

"Hey, Waqqar." She said my name, all seriously. "Those kids are truly unfortunate, right?" She questioned. I looked at her. "Yeah, they are. Pray for them, Romma. They need it.," I advised her. She turned to face me. I kept my sight on the front, feeling her stare burning through me. "Thank you for helping me out today, Wainee." She said. What happened next was too much of a shock to explain properly.

She stood up on her toes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Smiling, she got back to her feet and looked at me. My eyes widened and I put my hand over the place she had kissed me. "Romma!" I glared at her. She playfully scowled at me. "What? I'm just showing you that I'm thankful for today." She defended herself. "Not like this!! You do know how I feel about these kind of things!" I scolded her, my face flushed. I felt blood rise to my cheeks. Romma smirked at me.

"I know, but it's okay sometimes." She grinned. I shook my head. "N-no! It's not!" I gave her another angry glance before speeding up my pace. Thank Allah Meena was ahead of us and she hadn't seen anything. "Waqqar!" Romma called behind me, running towards me. "Not now, Romma!" I told her sternly. I was restless. I couldn't relax for some reason.

And if anyone would ask me anything, I knew for sure I would start stuttering. I looked at Romma. What is this girl??

Suddenly, a car pulled over in front of Romma. She recognized her driver. "I'm coming with you gu_" I didn't let her finish. "We're going home! You go with your driver!" I said to her, still angry. Allah! What's wrong with Romma?? She pouted at me but then quickly covered it up with a smirk. I stormed off to Meena's side. "Waqqar." Romma called me from behind, her voice filled with mischief.

Rolling my eyes, I looked back at her. "What?" I snapped. "Salams!" She shouted. I sighed. I couldn't say no because it's​obligatory on a Muslim to reply to another Muslim's greeting. "Waalaykumusalaam." I barely whispered. She waved at me and Meena as if nothing had happened and got inside the car. "Bye, Romma!" Meena shouted, disappointed that Romma was going. Well, I for one, was glad that she was gone now.

Who in the world does something like that?!!

Love me, Love my Lord (Complete√)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ