Chapter 28

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I never had thought that, I, Romma Albasha would ever be in a position like this before. My heart dropped along with the test paper in my hand. "F? Huh?" Sure I wasn't really a top student but this has never happened to me. I looked at the teacher as she roamed around the class giving everyone their own test paper. The teacher and I made eye contact and she quickly looked away in disappointment.

Her eyes told me that she wanted to ask me the reason why I just failed in my favourite subject. Just then, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Startled, I looked to see who it was. Sighing with relief, I smiled at Maria. Apparently, she and I had this class together along with Samuel and his group, though I ignore them throughout the whole period. But this wasn't the problem right now. I had just gotten a 'f' on my test paper. It was really embarrassing when the teacher announced my marks. I saw Samuel smirk my way when she did so.

I felt my heart crack at that moment.

"Everything okay?" Maria asked in a soft voice. I pressed my lips together and sighed. "I just got a 'f'. Abi would be really disappointed." My voice was sad. After all that Abi had done for me. I can't even get him an 'A'. What if Mom found out? She would really scold me.

Maria patted my back. "It's okay. It happens. There are some things in life that we don't have control over." Her voice was soothing. "Anyway, you got an 'A+' right? Show me." Maria handed me her test paper and I examined  it carefully, envy filling my heart. "You studied well." I commented. She shrugged. "It was because of the notes I had from my friend. They were just fantastic!" She said.

"Really? Could you lend them to me then? After school?" I asked her. She nodded immediately. "No problem!" She smiled. I looked after her as she went back to her seat. What a nice girl. She was pretty, smart AND intelligent. It made me jealous sometimes. I was always used to people following me around everywhere that I felt as if I was the best person there was. But then When I saw Waqqar, it made me realize how many flaws I really had. That I had so much wrong with me.


The bell for the last period rang and I stood up. I had to hurry before Maria steps out of the college. I quickly ran to the classroom she told me she'd be. I needed those notes!! I can't bear another 'f'!

"I'm here!" I announced as I opened the door of the classroom. I was late as the room was empty. But thankfully, Maria was just packing her bag. "Oh Romma. Good that you're here. I was waiting for you." She smiled sweetly. I returned the smile and walked up to her. "Im here for the promised notes." I told her and she nodded. "Well, the thing is that I forgot the notebook at home. But, I can send you the notes from email." She said. I agreed.

"You  got a pen? Write it down."

I took  out a pen to write on the palm of my hand. "Go on then Maria. What's ur email I'd?" I asked her. "prim_rosa 17." Maria dictated while I wrote down. My blood froze in my veins. My head snapped up, staring at Maria. "care to repeat that?" I asked Maria slowly. Maria frowned at me. "sure. Prim_rosa 17." I just stared at her in disbelief.

"what's wrong, Romma?"

"I..." I didn't know what to say. I'd found her. The girl who was slipping waqqar this love letters. But it didn't make sense... How could Maria..."you... You..." I wasn't sure what to say at all. "You were slipping waqqar those letters?" Maria's mouth dropped open in shock. "What?" She asked. "How... How did you...?" But then her eyes narrowed in anger. "You've been spying in waqqar's mail or something?"

"no. Waqqar showed them to me ." I said defensively.
Maria scowled in disgust. "Oh? Why would he show someone like you something so personal? Sure, your a Muslim, but hardly a decent one." Her eyes studied me up and down disdainfully.

I felt outraged; not only was this girl competing with her in a guy's affection, but she was insulting her and throwing her bad Muslim reputation in her face

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I felt outraged; not only was this girl competing with her in a guy's affection, but she was insulting her and throwing her bad Muslim reputation in her face. What happened to sweet, friendly Maria?

"you're one to say." I shot back. "You're not even a Muslim! He's got a reason to chose me over you!" I smirked.  Maria laughed, but it wasn't her cute friendly laugh. "Oh Romma, what did I tell you? Guys are vulnerable and thick. Don't be so confident. Just because you're a Muslim doesn't automatically make you the girl for him."

I fumed sliently. I did not like this girl, I decided. "also, " Maria continued. "What makes you think I'm a non Muslim?"

My eyes shot wide. "What?" I gasped. "You are?" Maria smirked. "Remember my family's problems these days? Both my father and brother live abroad. They live in Iraq. They're both Arab Muslims. Makes me a Muslim too. I shook my head, dazed. "Wow.."

"Yeah, wow!" Maria said rudely. "So you'd better get the idea of taking Waqqar for yourself out of your head, badminton champ. He's mine, got it?" I  glared at her. " We'll see about that." I said coldly. "Competition is on, non-badminton champ. Your nuts if you think I'll let you have hi. Without a fight."
Maria just laughed. "Good luck then. Although with your track record, ur hardly competition." She spun around, her hair flowing gracefully behind her. "See ya around champ." With a last wicked laugh, she walked away, leaving me staring after her in anger and disbelief. I had only two words to say.

Sly witch!

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