Cracks can heal

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It was raining hard and it was dark outside. The moon shone brightly through the grey clouds.

Silver looked down at the rocks beneath her, tears slightly pouring down her cheeks. She didn't feel good enough for Angelique and barnabas. She didn't feel beautiful. She hated herself and she felt like there was no point for her to be living.

Hands grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. She came face to face with Angelique and barnabas, who looked worried sick.

"What the hell are you doing here silver?" Angelique said, her voice cracking.

More tears fell down silvers cheeks as she took a small step back.

"I-I can't do this. I-I'm not good enough for you.. I'm not beautiful and I'm worthless..."

Before Barnabas and Angelique could say anything, silver let herself fall off the cliff.

Angelique covered her mouth in horror as barnabas yelled her name; diving after her.

There was no way in hell they would lose their only child, their little girl.

Silver closed her eyes as barnabas wrapped his arms around her, cradling the back of her head. He held her close as he tightly closed his eyes.

They landed on the rocks, the waves crashing over them. They were soaking wet. Barnabas was the first to move. He sat up and looked to his left, his heart dropping. Silver was not moving at all. She was on her stomach, her hair covering her face.

Barnabas flipped her over and carefully pulled her in his arms, the back of her head supported by his right arm. She had a few cracks, one on her cheek, on her forehead and one on her neck.

Angelique screamed in horror as tears poured down her cheeks. They thought she was dead.

"No... sweetheart please..." he begged quietly as he moved her hair out of her face. He saw the Cracks and felt tears fall like a waterfall.

He slid his hand down to her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

Her hand twitched, a soft groan escaping her lips.

Barnabas eyes slightly widened. She was alive. Oh thank god.

Silver felt EXTREMELY dizzy. She shivered violently, her eyelids slightly opening. Her vision was blurry, her head and body hurting like crazy. But her head was hurting more.

"D-daddy..." she managed to speak before groaning in pain and dizziness.

He hushed her softly and lovingly as he looked at the cracks.

"I'm going to pick you up love. Arms around my neck..."

Her shaking arms wrapped around his neck.

He carefully picked her up in his arms and climbed up the cliff. When he got to the top, he held silver bridal style.

Angelique sighed in relief, thanking god she was alive.

"We need to get home now."

Angelique saw the cracks and quickly nodded before they ran into the woods.

Silver whimpered quietly as she buried her face in his chest. When they got back to the mansion, they bolted up the stairs and into her bedroom. Her teeth chattered as Barnabas walked to the bathroom and carefully sat her down on the counter.

Angelique got out a pair of pajamas, which consisted of a nightgown.

Barnabas walked out of the room to go change, since he was still wet. Angelique was still wet but she didn't mind. She took off her jacket before helping silver undress. She dried off her soaking wet body before helping her out the nightgown on.

"Why would you do this angel? You could've killed your self..."
She whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

Barnabas came back, wearing more comfortable clothing. He kept replaying what she had said in his head. Why didn't she feel good enough? She was their life.

Silver broke down in tears, sobbing. She covered her mouth as Barnabas lifted her up off the counter and into his arms bridal style. He held her close as he sat down on the edge of the bed, setting her on his lap.

Angelique knelt down in front of her and stroked her hair as Barnabas gently rubbed her back, his other hand supporting her hip. The cracks slowly healed as Barnabas whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

"You mean the world to us child. You're our only daughter, our flesh and blood. You are the very reason why we smile every single day. You bring joy into our lives. And when we see you cry, or hear you say things like "I'm not good enough.. it breaks our hearts..."

Angelique held her hand and silver gently squeezed. "You are good enough. You are our beautiful 16 year old girl and we love you so much..." Angelique whispered as silver continued to cry.

They just cooed in her ear as Barnabas rested his chin on top of her head. "It's ok my love..." he whispered

A few minutes later
Silver was fast asleep in his arms. Tears and mascara stained her cheeks. She was breathing steadily, the cracks healed. Angelique came back wearing a blue nightgown with her hair in a braid.

Barnabas looked at her sadly as he rubbed silvers back.

"We can't leave her. Not right now..." Angelique whispered, Barnabas nodding. He carefully laid down with silver beside him. Angelique got in on the other side and moved the covers over their bodies. Angelique gently rubbed Silvers arm, then her side. Barnabas held her close as silver placed a hand over Angelique's, which rested on her side.

"I love you so much..." she whispered in her sleep as Barnabas kissed her forehead, before stroking her temple.

"We love you too honey. So much..." he whispered as he looked at Angelique. They would show her how much she meant to them. Their precious child.

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