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Clothes sat scattered all over the floor, the scent of perfume and hair product filled the air and make up was spread from one end of the bathroom counter to the other. This was arguably one of my favourite parts of an evening out. The music, the disaster zone of a bedroom, the pre drinks that sat on the desk, condensation dripping down the glass bottles. Jess and I moved from the bedroom to the bathroom while we got dressed and beat our faces.

She slept over last night but there was no mention about the lack of parental supervision. She had managed to convince her mother that we had an assignment that we would be spending the weekend on. Which was semi true.

There was an assignment and she did plan on finishing it. We had spent a little bit of time on it this morning just for good measure. I didn't want to send her home without having made a decent dent in it. She would just end up in trouble and not be allowed to come back.

But now we were getting cute so that we could go to Jade's. Bray told us that he would pick us up at seven which gave us another half n hour of prep. Jess was dressed in a denim high waist skirt that she fished out from the back of my closet. I told her that she could keep it.

I forgot that it existed and had no intentions of wearing it again. She paired it with her own thin green t-shirt and a pair of white All Stars. It was hard not to be a little bit jealous over her height and curves. Despite the fact that she whined about her figure all the time, I was envious as hell. She didn't realise what a babe she was.

Youngblood sounded on the bluetooth speaker that sat on a floating shelf above my bed. The tune was impossible not to dance to, so I bopped around the room in my bra and underwear, guzzling a Jim Beam RTD while I decided what I would wear.

I had already done my make up and hair. A full face with natural eyes. The ten coats of mascara made them pop. My hair never took a lot of time to deal with. A bit of setting product so that the waves didn't go nest in the humid weather. Jess had a harder time. Her hair was thick and took about eighteen hours of straightening before she was satisfied.

"What should I wear?" I shouted at Jess as I set the bottle down on the side table and stared at the floor, hoping that an outfit option would materialize and emerge from the abyss. "Have you seen my t-shirt dress thing?"

"That's specific," she called back with sarcasm. "You have about seven of them. Which one?"

My brows furrowed as I glared at the floor. I could have sworn that I saw it earlier. But now all I could see was silk, sequins and heels from the closet section that I reserved for high class events. We were going to a house party in Flagami. Not a sit down with Harry and Meghan. But Jess was more than excited about spending the evening with Bray and so I'd had to talk her down from dressing in a plunging silk dress that would be more fitting in Beyonce music video. I wasn't even sure how I ended up with half of these items. Shopping was a horrible habit of mine.

After another song change, I had finally settled on a pair of fitted overalls with a white tank top on underneath and a pair of Timberlands. It was simple but cute and Jess and I spent a few minutes taking photos in the bathroom mirror. Shameless but I loved to document. I knew how meaningful photos could be. When there's nothing left but a memory, it's fun to sit down and look through the shots of what once was. Even more so when someone is gone and the pictures are all that you have left.

Bray arrived at seven, as organised. Freddie - the door man - was on his break at seven. There was less chance that he would see us and tip Mom off that we were creeping out of the building in cute outfits with a case of pre mix. Jess hopped into the front seat when we found Bray parked beside the curb and I didn't bother arguing.

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