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Wednesday morning and I hadn't even stepped out of the car when the five biggest idiots I know, appeared beside my car and started singing Happy Birthday.

I slid out of the Range Rover and slipped my backpack on, cringing at their off key tune. Students wandered past, watching with amusement while Jess held a small cake in her hands.

"Hip hip," Jess shouted.

"Hooray," the rest of them followed.

"Hip hip."


"Hip hip."


I leaned over, blew out the candles and let Bray wrap me in a bone crushing bear hug. "Happy eighteenth, Lee."

I squeezed him back and moved on to Jess who handed Bray the cake. I went around the circle and everyone took turns giving me hugs. Which I quietly detested. But I endured. When the hugs were done, I turned around and saw Bray holding the cake in his palm. I raised a finger and pointed at him.

"If you even think about smashing that into my face, you're a dead man."

He feigned offence and clutched his chest. "I would never do th— alright. How'd she know?"

"Uh because she knows you," Jess grinned. Her bag strap was on one shoulder and her hair was up in a bun. Bray stuck out his tongue at her and gave her a quick kiss.

"That would be a waste," Amy commented. "Are there eggs in that? What sort of milk?"

Ethan wrapped his arm around her shoulder and didn't let her see the exasperated look on his face. "It's a cake, Putus. Come on."

One of the girls in Amy's Vegan club ran past, jogging to catch up with her and Ethan. She smiled as she slipped through our group. "Happy Birthday, Leonie!"

"Thanks Yulia."

"Why can't we have her in our group?" Bray said as the rest of us started towards the main building. "She's much more reasonable."

"Should we put in a request for a swap?" Jess laughed.

I sighed and walked alongside Alex. "Come on now." It wasn't that I didn't agree. It was more just that I preferred saying things to people's faces rather than behind their backs. "I hope we're going to the cafe to eat that before homeroom."

Bray was still holding the cake. He peeped over his shoulder and shrugged. "Doubt we'll have time. We'll leave it in the staff fridge though. So no one steals it."

"I got you something," Alex said, quiet, as we walked up the outdoor staircase. He reached into his pocket and retrieved a velvet box. It was a little larger than a ring box. Which made me sigh with relief.

The cool air conditioning hit me as the electric doors slid open and we walked into the locker corridor. I opened the velvet box and inside was a pandora charm bracelet. Filled with charms. Purple ones. Little wine glasses and champagne bottles. A punnet of fries. There were some Disney charms. I gawked at it. This wasn't just expensive. It was sentimental.

I inwardly groaned. Alex was definitely still harbouring his little crush.

I inhaled and met him with a kind smile. "Thanks dude. Love it," I slid the bracelet on and then looked at Jess and Bray who were watching. "Bray. You wanna take the cake to the cafe with Alex so I can steal Jess. I need a bathroom stop. I have my period and the bleeding is bad."

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