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On the morning of Christmas Eve, I had one lecture. Which seemed sort of shit. But the college doors closed and locked at midday and we didn't return until the second of January. Otherwise known as the day after Sarah's wedding. It was still weird. I couldn't process it. I was happy for her. So happy. But it was strange nonetheless.

Leonie was immersed in her role as the planner. She was loving every second of it. But it had been two days since I'd had a proper conversation with her. She'd sent me one or two brief texts to tell me that she misses me or something along those lines and I wasn't sure whether this was the planning that was keeping her busy, or something else.

Bianca sat beside me in our lecture. She exhaled a breath and looked exhausted. I really don't know how she managed to care for a toddler on her own and keep up with her studies. Not to mention she had just started when she fell pregnant. She'd been grinding this entire time and it was inspiring.

"Rough morning?" I asked.

She gave me that look. The one that told me I had no idea. I was sure that I didn't. "Liliana barely slept last night. She threw a tantrum this morning when I dropped her off at the sitter. Which is fine. The usual. But as soon as I stepped foot on campus, your friend was following me around and pleading with me to be his plus one to your sisters wedding."

I winced. "I'm sorry about that. I'll tell him to back off a bit."

She pulled her text books and pens and highlighters out of her bag. Mine were open and in front of me. "I gave in and said yes," she mumbled. "After I made it clear that I wouldn't be sleeping with him."

Damien wouldn't force himself on a girl who didn't want him. But he definitely believed that they all changed their minds eventually. He probably assumed the same thing would happen here.

"I'm just going because I could use a night off. And Liliana will be in Orlando with mom and dad."

"Are they still thinking about moving into Miami?"

She nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. But they have to job hunt and get a house and sort themselves out before they can leave Orlando. So it could be a wait. I hope it's not a long wait though. I could use the help."

"Yeah of course. And hey if you ever need anything, let me know. Leonie's awesome with kids. So if you ever need a sitter or whatever."

She laughed but it sounded a bit nervous. "Uh I don't know Leonie. At all. I mean, that's a nice offer but I don't leave my daughter with strangers."

"Oh right. Yeah."

"I mean, she told me that she likes my teeth."

I chuckled. "That's just her. She's a bit out of left field sometimes. She can be full on and super blunt but she has a huge heart. She's an amazing woman."

Bianca smiled.

"Yeah I mean, she'd met Sarah like once and she bought her an expensive wig and delivered it straight to our front door. She covered that entire trip to London that we went on last month. And she's arranging Sarah's wedding. She's done so much for us. Ya know? She's a beautiful person."

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