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I popped my head out of the kitchen at the sound of a light thumping that I thought was the door. But I wasn't one hundred percent sure. Sarah and Alex were snuggled on the couch, giggling and kissing and not watching the movie that was on the television. Teenagers were still up to the same tricks.

"Was that you?" I asked.

Sarah peered over the back of the sofa, frowning. "Yeah we're just out here having a smash on the couch, Heath. No. It was the door dumbass."

"Oh okay. I'll get it. Stay where you are."

"Wasn't planning on getting up."

I rolled my eyes with amusement and wondered who was stopping in at eleven at night. As soon as I pulled the door open, Leonie, who must have been leaning against it, fell inside and landed on her back in a heap.

"What in the hell," I knelt down, her hair was spread around her head and she was giggling so hard that she couldn't seem to catch her breath. "Leonie, what the fuck?"

"Ooh someone's ripped," Sarah sang. I looked at her and Alex as I hauled Leonie to her feet.

"Hi," she slurred, waving at Sarah and Alex. Alex waved back with a wince.

"She was throwing them back at Jade's. I would have brought her with me if I thought she'd end up here."

Leonie ripped herself from my arms and stumbled towards the corridor, tripping over her own two feet as she went, shouting about needing to piss. I'd seen more coordination from a toddler fresh up from a nap.

I ran a hand across my face and looked outside to make sure that her car wasn't here. It wasn't. But I hadn't heard a cab drop her off either.

I stood outside of the bathroom, leaning on the wall while I waited for her. Her slurred singing echoed behind the door and I wanted to be amused but I had a strong suspicion that she'd walked here and if she had, I'd be pissed.

The toilet flushed, the faucet turned on and I could hear her chatting to herself. "What a mess," she giggled. "Get it together. Get. It. Together."

I couldn't help it. A snort of amusement escaped but as she swung the door open, her droopy eyes and fumbled movements reminded me that she was sunk and I felt frustrated again. She fell into my chest and stared up at me, half lidded and unfocused.

"You look so hot," she giggled and slid her hands under my top. "Want to bend me over your desk?"

"Uh," Sarah sounded offended. "We can hear you."

Leonie leaned off me and tripped her way back into the living room. She climbed across the couch and stretched out on Alex and Sarah, flailing about while she tried to get comfortable. Sarah thought it was hilarious and Alex was the definition of 'not my business' as he stared at the movie.

"Sarah would make the prettiest bride," she twirled a strand of Sarah's hair around her finger. "She wants to get married, Alex. Make her dream come true."

Sarah turned bright red and slapped her across the forehead. Alex was still minding his business.

I stood at the head of the couch and offered Leonie my hand so that I could hoist her up and let my little sister have some peace without all of her secrets being revealed. She ignored me though and started laughing at who knows what.

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