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You've never really known anguish until you've watched a medic declare the woman that you love, to be dead. Felt your heart stop with hers. Heard the panicked words ricocheting off the walls while there's a desperate attempt to bring her back.

I was still hearing the pleading, the begging, the bargaining, as I sat in the corridor and waited for an update. She was on a strict no visitors policy and once she was well enough, she'd be admitted to the psych ward for further care and evaluation. The waiting part was unbearable.

Yes, she was alive. She'd survived an attempt to take her own life. But what her condition would be when she woke up, was uncertain. Would she have sustained permanent damage? How extensive would it be? How the hell could I help her?

Bray sat beside me with his head in his hands. His phone kept going off. Text after text. But he hadn't moved since he got here. Once in a while he'd sniffle, bring his thumb and forefinger to his eyes and pinch. He might have been attempting to hide the fact that he couldn't stop crying. But he didn't have to hide it. I wasn't judging him.

The rest of the crew had been and gone. It was almost three in the morning and visiting hours were well over. But all of them had shown up. Even Amy. Jess however, wasn't given permission to leave the house, even if her best friend did almost die. She said that she'd be here in the morning whether her parents liked it or not. I imagined that she was the one blowing up Bray's phone. He'd refused to leave regardless of the time.

"I was supposed to be watching her," he mumbled, head still in his hands. "I was supposed to make sure that she didn't do something stupid. Or drink too much. Or get hurt."

"Don't do that man," I said, letting my head lightly hit the wall behind me. I folded my arms and fought exhaustion. "She slipped off because she wanted to. It wasn't your fault. At all. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I obviously upset her by showing up."

He shook his head. "Na. She's been a wreck for weeks, Heath. But everyone knows how much you love her. If it's not on me, it's definitely not on you."

Quiet fell between us again but it was obvious that neither of us believed what the other said. If I hadn't shown up, she wouldn't have gotten so worked up. Bray would still have been watching her. She would have been safe. I was selfish. I selfishly wanted an explanation and I pushed her. That was one mistake that I wouldn't be making again.

At the sound of shoes squelching, echoing in the vacant corridor, Bray and I snapped our heads up and I saw mom walking towards us. I was about to stand but she veered off into the room that Leonie was in and closed the door behind her. Bray and I sagged with disappointment and it felt like forever before the door opened and mom reappeared.

This time she did approach us and we both stood up.

"How is she?" Bray asked, panic in his tone. "Is she okay? What's going on with her brain? When can we see her?"

Mom gave him a small smile. "She's stable. Her vitals are returning to normal and after reading the doctor's observations, her brain should be just fine."

Bray let out a loud sigh of relief and I had to join him. The weight that had been sitting on my shoulders, lifted. I felt as if I could breathe again.

"As for seeing her," mom added. "She's sleeping at the moment and I'd guess that she will be for a while. Her body underwent some major trauma and it's going to take a little bit for her to come right. But regardless, she'll be transferred to the psych ward when she's stable enough."

Bray seemed surprised but it wasn't shocking at all. It was standard procedure.

"She tried to kill herself." Mom's voice cracked and her professional composure slipped for a moment. "She needs evaluation and clearance before she can be let go again."

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