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On Monday morning, Jess, Amy and I were grouped in food tech for a practical. We had our blue aprons on, our hair tied back and a kitchen covered in ingredients so that we could make stuffed potato.

It was a basic recipe. I hated cooking and even I was managing. But Jess, the aspiring chef, hated the fact that we made kindergartener level recipes rather than something with an actual challenge.

"No," Amy pushed Jess's hand back from the bowl as she was about to drop cheese into it. So far the bowl of 'stuffing' consisted of the inside of the potato, spring onion, herbs and that was it. "No cheese. No sour cream. No bacon bits."

"Amy," Jess hissed. "If we don't put the ingredients in, it's going to be so plain."

"Well I'm not eating non vegan ingredients and that's it."

Jess tipped her head back and looked as if she was about to stuff Amy into the oven. I sighed and grabbed a glass bowl out of the cupboard. "Problem solved," I dished a third of the stuffing mixture into a glass bowl and pushed it at Amy. "Here. Make your vegan stuffed potato."

Amy smiled. "Thanks."

My eyes almost rolled back into my head. But that was the most that I'd done so far. With those two bickering and Jess wanting to make sure that it was perfect, I really wasn't needed. Which made my life easier. With my book in front of my phone so that the teacher couldn't see what I was doing, I opened a Snapchat from Heath.

He must have been in a lecture or studying. The photo was from his chin down and cut off at a desk that he was sitting at. I could see his toned arms in a fitted T-shirt and his sharp jaw. Drool. He captioned it, na won't be stopping at the gym today. Legs got enough of a work out last night. What about you?

My entire frame tingled when I thought about what we'd spent the rest of the weekend doing. A shiver ran up my spine and I inhaled deep and exhaled slow. Now was not the time to get wound up.

"What are you smiling at?" Jess said, stirring the stuffing with a fork. Amy was doing the same. She peered back at me, wanting in on the goss as much as she always claimed not to.

I didn't answer her and instead sent a quick snap back to Heath, letting him know that I had no plans tonight but I probably needed to do homework. I also thanked him for helping me with the dissection paper. Which we did eventually get around to doing. I'd be handing it in later.

Jess moved around me, looking for who knows what in the cupboard. Suddenly, I heard her intake a sharp gasp and I looked up to see her staring at my neck as if she was damn Jasper Cullen and the sight of my throat both aroused and frightened her.

"You have a hickey," she outstretched her finger and I gave it a swat. I wasn't planning on keeping it from her. But I did plan on giving it until at least lunch.



"I think you know how a hickey works, Jess."

She squealed through a clenched jaw. "Who put it there? Was it Heath?! Tell me it was Heath?!"

She was holding a breath, staring with so much hope that all I could do was shake my head and watch with amusement and her shoulders fell and distress seeped into her expression. 

"What? Seriously?! Did you find another one of Amy's cousin's boyfriend's?"

Amy scowled at the back of Jess's head.

"Relax," I laughed. "Yes it was Heath. Like three of four times on Saturday and countless more yesterday."

Jess slapped me so hard on the shoulder that I almost hit the fucking ground. People at the stations closest watched with puzzlement as she all but screamed at me. She ignored a warning from the teacher and I could feel a headache forming.

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