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"Are you sure that he can't come?" Jess asked for the thousandth time.

It was Saturday night and Jess and I were about to leave for the nightclub that Jade was working at. Jess had tried her luck more than once tonight. She looked so hot and I think that had a lot to do with why she wanted Bray to come and join us. She wanted to show off. And I understood that. But I wanted a girls night more.

He'd stuck to his word during the week. He'd stepped up. He bought her flowers on Tuesday. He took her out for dinner on Thursday. That was trickier than it sounded. It required a lot of lies and 'proof of assignments' and photos that Jess and I had staged for this exact reason.

But it was worth it. She was swept off her feet. I was proud of his efforts. He'd also pulled back with the dirty jokes. He kept those for when it was just us. Which I'm sure she appreciated. I didn't want him to change and neither did she. But easing up would help while the two of them were still in the beginning of their relationship.

"If Bray comes, then I won't be," I declared, loud and purposeful.

She pouted but continued pouring the shots of Midori that we'd lined up on the countertop in the kitchen. Three each. We weren't allowed to drink at the club - Jade's rules - so we decided to pregame before we left. The Uber would be arriving soon. I could see it's little car symbol on the app on my phone. We had enough time to get some fire in our bellies though.

"Remember that night we had these before we went swimming in Amy's pool," Jess said after her first shot. "I think of that night every single time I taste this stuff."

I do too. But I try not to. That was a time when Benny was alive. We'd all been at Amy's house, back before she realised that drinking with us was a horrible idea and led to terrible things. Her parents were out of town and we'd spent the entire night throwing back the green alcohol while we danced to techno beats and skinny dipped.

Bray ripped off her guttering and used it as a pool floaty. Well, he tried to. Until it filled up with water and sat at the bottom of the pool. Ethan made the mistake of showing us where Amy's collection of vibrators lived and before we knew it there were dildo races taking place on the dining room table. Of course, one ended up being projectiled through the kitchen window when I lost the race and all in all, it was a hectic night that Amy still hasn't forgiven us for.

Good times.

I don't blame Jess for bringing it up. Sometimes she reminisces because of the memories and just doesn't think about the fact that my late boyfriend hurts to talk about. I can't bar people from tripping down memory lane. It's not fair. But it still sucks.

After we've had a few shots, feel lighter on our feet and have the giggles, we go downstairs and get into the Uber. It's about fifteen minutes but the weekend traffic almost doubles our estimated time of arrival. It's dark when we pull up in front of the club. We thank our driver and join the crowded sidewalks.

There are people everywhere. Not just in line for the club but for the neighbouring food joints and the beachfront across the road.

"There's Jade," I pointed at the door. She was wearing a high vis vest while she checked peoples ID and let them through.

Knowing that we wouldn't have to wait in line, I took Jess by the hand and shuffled through all of the people lingering about. There were a few disgruntled protests when we bypassed the line and slipped straight in between Jade and the next group of girls waiting to enter.

"Hello, hello," Jade smiled. She took our licences and pretended to read the birth dates. "You two look hot. Please no sleeping with any of the men here under false pretenses. Arrive alone. Leave alone."

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