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Leonie and I decided to go and watch a movie while Sarah was out with Alex. I wasn't going to expect her back super early. So I figured that we had time to kill. We slid into my car and I looked at Leonie as I did up my seat belt.

"How come you don't want to take your car?" I peeped at her sleek Range Rover in the drive beside my little run around. I would hate to think about the price tag on one of those. The wheels were enormous, black just like the car and the windows.

"Because," she smiled and watched me as I shifted into reverse and held the back of her headrest. "I love watching you drive a stick. It's hot."

I laughed. "It's hot?"

"So hot."

She was killing me. These last few weeks she'd been flirtatious as hell. But still keeping me at a distance. I could have told her to back off a bit and stop messing with me. She would have too. But like a masochist, I took whatever she gave and quietly hoped that it might go further.

The beach weekend had given me a measure of hope. Especially when we almost kissed in the water. Ugh every time I thought about her in that bikini, it almost had me undone. Her curves. Her chest. Her legs around my waist and her hard nipples rubbing up against me. My dick was getting thick just thinking about it.

Leonie's phone buzzed for the fifth time since Sarah had left and she read the message, tapped out a quick response and dropped it into her lap again.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "It's just people at Jade's place. There's a big thing happening there. But when isn't there."

"We can go if you want?"

"Na," she shook her head and stared out at the road. "I'd rather go and see a movie."

"I won't be offended if you'd rather do something else," I indicated right and picked up speed on the highway. The theatre that I wanted to go to was closer to Leonie's side of the tracks. But it was nicer, bigger. Which meant that the tickets didn't sell out as fast. "I mean, you must have a lot of options. You don't have to slum it with me."

"Shut up, Gilmore," she shook her head with amusement as I shifted through the gears. "I want to go to the movies with you. Alright?"

I fought a smile and lost. "Yeah alright."
She settled into her seat with content.

"Can you brainstorm something with me for a minute?"

She nodded. "What is it?"

"Sarah's sixteenth is in a month and a half. I want to do something special for her. Thoughts?"

She narrowed her eyes into a contemplative stare. The way that she immediately seemed to be racking her brain for an idea made my heart swell. She had so much good in her. So much to give. It was like she didn't even realise how sweet she was. Not to mention beautiful.

My stomach twisted at her long black waves tumbling over her shoulders. Her vibrant blue eyes. Her sun kissed skin. She was so heart achingly stunning.

I tried to watch the road and not her. But I noticed her lift her phone and begin tapping out a message. It seemed like a long one too. "I might have an idea," she said. "But I'll keep it to myself until I can be sure that it's got the green light."

"Aw come on," I nudged her outer thigh. "Tell me."


She was impossible to crack. She refused to fill me in the entire drive to the theatre. It wasn't until the movie shorts started that I gave it a rest. We sat beside each other watching Captain Marvel.

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