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The party hadn't stopped for Leonie. The music was still louder than a nightclub, drunk college students and what I was sure were a number of minors, were still dancing without a care in the world. But I watched Leonie and followed her through the crowd, keeping close and within hearing distance as much as was possible save for putting my ear against her lips. She had perfect lips.Which was a strange detail to focus on when it was clear that something was about to go down.

She slid in between this bleach blonde girl and Bray, who still had his back to her. He kept Jess - if I was remembering that right - encased against the wall as if he was protecting her from the long thin girl that was too tanned for it to be natural. She almost seemed orange. But that might have been the lighting. I stood to the side and watched, hoping that it wouldn't get violent. The blonde girl had a bit of height and build on Leonie. There was a good chance that she would end up hurt if it turned physical.

Jess kept peering around Bray with concern. She tried to move him but he shook his head with an indifferent expression and said something along the lines of, "she'll handle it."

Leonie stood close to the blonde girl, who stared down at her with a pinch in her thin brows. "Fuck off Leonie. This doesn't concern you."

"You do realise that I was kidding when I invited you," Leonie said with amusement. She seemed to have sarcasm down to a fine art and it appeared that the blonde girl did not appreciate it because her scowl became even more feral than it was before. "Don't be so desperate. Bray doesn't want you. You're making yourself look stupid."

The girls would have been nose to nose if Leonie wasn't so petite. So instead it was more like forehead to chin but despite her smaller build, Leonie held herself with confidence. And a slight sway which I had to assume was thanks to the tequila she had thrown back just a few minutes earlier.

The blonde girl pushed her hair behind her shoulder and looked down her nose at Leonie which seemed far too self important for a girl wearing ug-boots and a mini skirt. I really had watched too much fucking Gossip Girl with Sarah. "Get your nose out of everyone's business Leonie. You're such a joke. You're like an annoying little insect that won't piss off."

Leonie laughed, one hundred percent unaffected at the insult. "You're literally at a party that no one invited you to, begging for attention from a guy who won't even look at you," Leonie winced with amusement as she pointed over her shoulder at her friends who were still in the same position as before. "Being so delusional must be a nice escape. But come on, a little bit of self respect please."

"Says you," the blonde girl scoffed. "You've had none of that since Benny drove over that damn cliff. No doubt he's relieved to be in the ground rather than dealing with your shit."

Leonie looked as if she'd been slapped. Her entire expression became flat, her stare a little wider and her mouth parted with disbelief. She clearly couldn't believe what she had just heard. Even Bray had turned around, he and Jess both looked stunned. It was hard to believe that the rest of the house were oblivious to what was going on. That wouldn't last long though. Not when Leonie lifted her closed fist, grabbed a handful of the blonde girl's white tank top and smashed her straight in the nose.

It happened so fast. One second the air was thick and tense. But before I could blink, the sound of a nose shattering was louder than the music. No one would have been able to stop her with the speed that her fist flew out. The blonde girl would have fallen straight on her ass if Leonie didn't have a tight grip on her shirt. She landed another fist on her jaw while blonde girl clutched her nose and wailed with watered eyes. Bray was laughing. Jess was staring with her hand over her mouth and there was a significant amount more attention than there had been before.

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