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Two and a half years ago.

"That's it, baby," Benny laughed, padded hands up in front of his face as I swung out and punched, just as he'd shown me how to. "You're a natural. I can feel that strength."

We circled the ring. The gym was dark, quiet. It was just the two of us. His hair fell around his neck and ears in soft, damp waves. His skin, a shade darker than sun tanned and his dimpled cheeks lifted as he watched me strike his padded mitts. He'd been teaching me how to fight for the last few months.

"You've improved so much," he praised. "You should compete."

"As if," I scoffed. "Knowing my luck, someone will break my nose. I like my nose."

"I love your nose," he stepped forward with lightning fast movements, struck out his hand and I ducked so that it swung over my head. "Perfect dodge, baby. Damn."

My ponytail swung back and forth as I skipped on my feet and continued punching the mitts. I felt proud, proud that he was so proud. But the pride was short lived because he swung out again and while I did dodge it, his other hand moved faster and he picked me up with one arm and threw me over his shoulder.

"Benny!" I screamed as he spun me around in circles. The room was turning into a blur and I slapped his back. "Benny put me down. My stomach."

He gripped the back of my thighs, set me down and stood in front of me. But the entire room was spinning. "Alright," he laughed. "Now show me what you got."

I didn't even bother trying to fight, the room was on its side. I must have lost my footing, because I started to go down but before I could hit the ground, Benny jumped beneath me and we rolled over each other, laughing so loud that it echoed in the empty gym.

"You just can't help falling for me, huh beautiful?" He laid under me and his hands clasped at my lower back.

Slowly, focus came back and I looked down at his smug grin. "You don't play fair."

"Sure I do."

"Do you pick your opponents up and spin them around until they're dizzy and sick?"

He grinned. It was full of mischief. "No but maybe I should. Seems to work."

I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, but he flipped us over and pinned me beneath him.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked, staring down at me. A loose strand of his wave hair fell over his forehead. I nodded, left wordless at his intense stare. His arms held his weight above me. "You are the most beautiful girl that I've ever known. And I really don't ever want to lose you."

My heart sped up. "You won't ever lose me."

He ducked down and kissed my neck. "I want to love you forever and ever. I want to marry you one day. And have a family and grow old together."

I giggled as his tongue swiped out at the hollow of my throat. There was no explaining how much I wanted all of those things with him. Whenever I looked at him, my heart felt as if it was going to burst. I wound my fingers into his soft waves of hair and smiled at him.

"I love you so much, Benny."

"I love you too, Lee. More than I could ever put into words. But I'll show you. Every day."

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