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Cassandra couldn't believe her ears, "are you fucking with me right now?" She looks towards all the siblings, "there is no way, no that's all fucking lies." 

Rosalie giggles silently at the human girl, Emmett smiles at his mate, "it's true. I'm sorry you found out this way." 

Cassandra shrugs her shoulders, "well, better now than later." Alice smiles and takes a seat next to the human girl, and grabs her hand, "oh wow! I'm so glad we told you, now you know that, you and Emmett can finally be together!"

"Alice!" Edward tilts his head and gives her a look, Cassandra speaks up, "what do you mean, together?" 

Carlisle looks at his kids, "maybe we should let Emmett explain, come along kids." Alice squeezes the girl hand, as Cassandra watches the rest of the Cullen clan leave the kitchen/living room area. "So, are you going to explain?" 

Emmett looks at her, he was nervous. Hell, if he could sweat he would. "Well, you heard the word mate right?" He watches as she nods her head, "well, that means that you are bound to that person, well, for eternity... and well, you are my mate."

Cassandra rolls her eyes - not in a bad way - but to grasp that fact that the Cullen's are vampires. "So, is that why I feel so comfortable around you?" Emmett kneels down in front of the fragile girl, and takes her hand in his, "yes. It's the mate bond." 

She sighs and runs a hand through her hair, "well, now that I know, are you going to... I don't know, eat me?" Emmett rumbles out a laugh, "no! I could never hurt you. No one could actually. Especially Jasper." 

Cassandra tilts her head, "what do you mean, especially Jasper?" Emmett sighs and squeezes her hand, "well, he's the newest to our diet, but he told us, he feels oddly protective over you, and your blood isn't appealing to him." 

"Is that good or..." 

"No that's really good sign." 

Emmet stands up, pulling Cassandra up with him, "so, please, can my family officially meet you?"

Cassandra sighs, "yes." Emmett smiles, picking the girl up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Guys! Come meet her!" 

The family rush into together, all smiling at Cassandra and Emmett. Cassandra is giggling and telling Emmett to put her down. Finally putting her down, she was passed around to everyone, giving hugs and welcoming her to the family. 

Esme smiles at the small girl, who heads back to Emmett's side, and leans into her husband, "welcome to the family, Cassandra." 

Cassandra smiles at Esme, "thank you." 

Rosalie scoffs, "seriously? No precautions for the precious human? Do you know how much danger our family is in now!?" 

"Rosalie knock it off!" Esme scowls at the blonde beauty, Carlisle puts his hand on his wife's waist, "Rosalie, your brother found his mate, and won't live without her, you have to accept that."

Caleb grabs Rosalie and holds her close, Rosalie growls at the human, "is that supposed to scare me?" 

Everyone whips their head to the human girl, "I mean seriously Rosalie, jealously is rolling off of you. It's actually kind of sad. Are you upset because maybe, I am everything you wanted?" 

Rosalie growls loudly at Cassandra, "you don't know anything!" Cassandra stands her ground, and leaves Emmett's side, "no, actually, I do. You are a vampire, it seems like you are having a hard time that maybe, someone saved you! You may be fucking beautiful on the outside, but my god, you have such a ugly inside. How can anyone stand you?!"

Cross the Lineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें