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Emmett rounds the jeep once he throws it into park, and opens up Cassandra's door. "Get on my back." Cassandra doesn't question Emmett, just hops on his back. Emmett closes the door, and uses vampire speed to get inside of the house. Esme comes out of the piano room, "what's wrong?"

Alice speeds and stops right next to Emmett, "Edward, he just exposed himself to Bella. I can't believe I didn't see this coming..."

Jasper comes up from behind Alice, and grabs her hand, "it's okay darlin', you can't see things that happen in a split second."

Cassandra wiggles herself out of Emmett's grip and slides down his back, "everything will be fine, if she comes up to me, I'll handle it. I'm really good at persuading people."

Jasper looks at Cassandra and looks towards Esme, Esme sighs, "sweetie, I don't think that's a good idea. We are already at risk with you, and we are trying to protect you. Just let Edward and the rest handle this, okay?"

Cassandra sighs, "okay, Esme." Esme smiles and walks towards the girl and wraps her in a hug, "how about I make you something to eat." Cassandra pulls back from Esme and nods her head in excitment. She loves Esme's cooking, it's like a home cooked meal. Her mom left the country to go help build houses, while her dad is constantly going back and forth from Forks hospital and UW Medical Center, so she was always alone. Being around Carlisle and Esme was great, they were parents she wished she had, and even though she loved her parents, everything changed once they moved from New Mexico. Thinking of this threw Cassandra into a funk.

Emmett drags her to the piano room, pulling her out of her little funk for a quick second. Emmett kneels right in front of her, as she sit down on the couch, "hey, I'll be back, okay baby? I'm going to go feed, I'll be back tomorrow."

Cassandra nods her head, "yeah, of course." Emmett smiles softly at her and stands up, not before leaving a tender kiss on her forehead. But from across the house, Jasper could feel Cassandra's feelings. He couldn't comprehend what was wrong, but since Alice was busy with Esme, getting Cassandra's dinner ready, he decided to go check on her.

Cassandra fiddles around with her phone, looking around and sighing. The texts are only getting worse, and she hasn't had anyone to take her to change her phone number. The texts were only putting her down, and that was the reason she left, she couldn't handle the constant drama. "Are you okay?" The voice behind her, scaring her, making her drop her phone on the ground near her feet.

Looking up, she sees Jasper, "yeah... I'm as good as it's going to get. Y'know?" Jasper puts out a hand, gesturing towards the sofa to sit down next to her, Cassandra nods her head at him to sit down. "You know, I am a gifted vampire. I have the ability of pathokinesis."

"So, that means you can feel and manipulated feelings?" Jasper smiles a little, and nods his head, "exactly what it is. You are very smart and you catch on to things easily."

"So, why did you bring that up?" Cassandra avoids eye contact with Jasper, "well, I can feel what you are feeling. And why are you feeling upset?"

Cassandra sighs, "can I trust you? It's just that, I want to tell Emmett, on my one time..." Jasper nods his head, "no, I understand. Just tell me what you want."

Cassandra nods her head, and let's out a breath, getting ready to show Jasper what has her down. Slowly picking her phone up off the ground, she unlocks it and pulls up the text messages. Handing the phone to Jasper, his cold hand carefully takes the phone out of her hand. Reading through the texts, it became evident to why she was feeling that way, along with her parent's text messages.

"Is this why you don't want to rush with Emmett...?"

Cassandra nods her head, and grabs the phone from Jasper, "yeah. I feel like I'm not good enough. Me compared to you guys, it's shocking I'm even his mate. I'm nothing. That shit you read, it's the reason why I left New Mexico. I literally went insane. I felt so bad for my parents."

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