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"So, did you get in?"

Cassandra turns her head to the angelic voice of Rosalie, who was braiding Ariana's hair. Cassandra hums, "yes, finally. I want to get a head of the pre-reqs so I can transfer to UW by next year."

Rosalie smiles as she watches Ariana beam at her mom, "yay! Mommy, does that mean I get to stay with aunt Rose and uncle Caleb?"

Cassandra chuckles, as she closes Emmett's Mac book, "yes baby."

Ariana squeals as Rosalie finishes her hair, "okay Ms. Ari, go bother uncle Caleb."

Ariana nods her head at Rosalie, running to her mom. She jumps up on the sofa, placing a kiss on her check, Cassandra watches her run off to Caleb, who was possible in the T.V room. Rosalie smiles at Cassandra who leans back on the sofa in exhaustion.


Cassandra nods at Rosalie, eyes closed as she rolls her head to get more comfortable, "extremely. I think the vampire side keeps her up sometimes."

Rosalie cocks her head to the side, as she takes a seat in front of Cassandra, "why is that?"

Sighing, Cassandra sits up looking at Rosalie, "she will sleep normally sometimes and then out of the blue she won't sleep, so I'll sit up."

"Does Emmett help?"

Cassandra nods her head, "yeah, he'll stay up with her, but she'll get hungry so he'll wake me up so I can make her food."

Rosalie chuckles, "oh Cassie, he'll get the hang of it, he's just learning."

Cassandra smiles weakly at Rosalie, "I know, it's just a matter of how long it will take. He's been a vampire for almost 50 plus years..."

Rosalie leans forward, putting her hand on top of Cassandra, "I swear he'll get better, he's doing great... you're doing great."

After Esme got home from helping a client build a new home in Seattle, Caleb spilled the beans that she got accepted to Peninsula College to start her pre-reqs for Nursing. Esme instantly got excited, that she called Carlisle to help pay for Cassandra's schooling, Carlisle happily accepted. He was excited that someone in the family was going into the medical field. During dinner, Esme and Carlisle told Cassandra.

Cassandra turned her head and glared at Caleb, "Caleb..."

Caleb raises his hands up in surrender, "hey, you deserve the help. You've been paying for your brother's house and keeping it up, while we watch Ariana. It's the least you deserve."

Cassandra sighs, smiling softly at Esme and Carlisle, "are you guys sure?"

Esme smiles brightly, hands Cassandra and Ariana a plate of food, "yes! We are totally sure. Please let us help you. It's so nice to have someone else in the family be in the medical field."

Cassandra smiles, turning a little to help Ariana cut up her steak, "okay, well if you guys insist..."

A squeal is heard from the small pixie like girl, "I knew you would!"

Cassandra rolls her eyes as the small hybrid giggles at her mom and aunt, "Alice..."

"Don't Alice me, it's going to be worth it! Just trust me."

Ariana giggles again, "yeah mommy, listen to auntie Alice, she's always right."

Jasper bends down and cuddles his face into the warm girls check, "you got that right, sweetheart."

Ariana giggles again, as Cassandra smiles at her family around her. She couldn't have been happier with what was going on. As she looks down at her watch, she notices Emmett will be home soon from work soon. Putting his most recent college degree from 2 years ago to work, he started working at a business firm located in Seattle.

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