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"Here she comes," Cassandra sings out, as she holds Renesmee to her chest, as she places a cup of juice in front of Ariana, who was sitting on the couch next to Jasper.

Renesmee reaches up and places her small hand on Cassandra's face, showing her aunt that she was excited to see her mother. Cassandra smiles, "yes, sweetie, she's excited to meet you too."

Rosalie stands, excitedly as she holds her arms out to Cassandra so she could take the little baby, "it's my turn!"

Cassandra smiles, handing Renesmee over to Rosalie. Emmett slides over too Cassandra as Rosalie goes to stand right next to Caleb, watching the couple coo over the little girl - exactly how they did with Ariana.

Entering the room, everyone watches with light smiles as Bella enters the room as a newborn. Rosalie nods her head, "yes that's her."

Bella smiles as she watches her daughter look at her, the same brown eyes Bella held before she was turned, "I was out for two days?"

Bella slowly takes a step forward, Jasper and Emmett moving behind Bella as precaution. Bella glances back, making eye contact with Cassandra - Cassandra smiles lightly and nods her head towards the baby as if to say, 'go ahead'.

Alice bounds up right next too Cassandra, "oh please, give her some credit." Cassandra nods her head, hooking her arm through her friend that was the same height, "besides, we would've seen if anything bad were to happen."

Bella nods her head at the pixie duo, "I'm okay," turning her head to Edward, patting his arm that was on Bella's arm, "keep close, just incase."

As Bella reaches forward, Rosalie smiles softly, handing the new mother her baby. Everyone watches as Renesmee puts her hand up to show Bella everything. "What was that?"

Edward smiles, "she's showing you her first memory of you."

"Showed me? How?" Edward smiles at he's wife's confusion, "how do I hear thoughts? How does Alice and Cassandra see the future? How does Ariana project thoughts on people? She's gifted."

Carlisle steps forward, looking at Bella, "she's been growing faster than Ariana, which is what Camila and I are taking notes on."

Cassandra smiles as Emmett steps back and wraps his arm around her waist, leaning down and kissing her forehead. Everyone watches as Edward tells the family how Bella almost hunted humans, "whoa, seriously?"

Bella looks at Emmett and Cassandra, "he's not telling it right, he left out that I growled at him," she said bashfully.

Emmett smirks, "did ya get a few good swipes in?" Bella shrinks back at Emmett's questions, "no, of course not!"

"No, not really? You really didn't attack him?"

"Emmett, knock it off will ya?"

Emmett looks down at his little mate, smiling bashfully at her, "sorry baby, but you know I gotta ask!"

"No," Bella stops Emmett's talking.

"Aw, what a waste," Emmett speaks loudly to Bella, "and here you are, the only one that could probably take him on - since he can't get in your head to cheat - I've been dying to see how he'd do without that advantage."

Bella glares at the big man before her, "I would never."

Jasper stands up, picking up Ariana after him, and gliding over to Edward. Jasper frowns as Ariana lays her head in his neck. Edward's fist punches Jasper's shoulder in mockery, "you see what I mean?"

"It's not natural," Jasper mutters, switching Ariana in his arm, so she can get more comfortable.

Cassandra steps forward, leaving Emmett's arms as Jacob starts to get more protective over Renesmee, as Renesmee places her little hand back on Bella's face. "Alright, I think we've had enough experimenting for the day."

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