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"He was there when I first shifted."

Cassandra cocks her head to the side, in confusion, "wait, so you've been in Forks this whole time?"

Michael sighs, looking at Sam and back at Cassandra, "well I was here with James and them. I never hunted humans, but Sam was transforming and I decided to see what the fuss was all about, and-"

Sam cuts Michael off, "he was there to coax me down and help me shift back to my human form. It was weird for a vampire to come onto our territory and help us."

"Exactly, remember, treaty? And I helped him. It's kind of odd that I can do that. So we went to go see the elders of the tribe and they made the treaty void to me so I can help others shift."

Cassandra rubs a hand on her forehead, "I'm so confused. What the fuck?"

Sam chuckles, "the elders think it has something to do with his gift. So when we think there is someone that is close to shifting we call him over."

Cassandra looks at her brother, "so, what are you? Some kind of werewolf whisperer?"

Sam and Michael look at each other, and burst out laughing, "I'm serious! It's not funny!"

Michael keeps laughing, "it totally is!"

Sam let's out a breath and looks at Cassandra, "so welcome to the tribe."

Cassandra smiles and looks between the two, "well I'm glad you guys are friends, this one over here is anti-social."

"Whatever, this man here has a girlfriend."

Cassandra squeals, making the boys cringe, "who is she?!"

Sam chuckles, "her name is Emily, she's my imprint."

Cassandra does another look of confusion, "what's an imprint?"

Michael looks to Sam, "oh we are going to have a long morning."

"Are you ready for this appointment?"

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"Are you ready for this appointment?"

"Not really..." Cassandra trails off, looking around the small room she was placed in. She's sits upon the table in the room, and looks at Michael, "I really think I'm just sick, plus it could be from Jenni, she was sick during practice."

Michael rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "for a month? Yeah right."

A knock silences the siblings as the doctor comes into the room, "hi, Cassandra?" Cassandra nods her head, "hi, I'm Dr. Kemp. So we ran multiple tests from your blood and urine samples - which is quick - but, congratulations. You're pregnant!"

Pregnant, pregnant.

"Cassandra?" She feels her brothers cold hand on top of her shoulder, "are you okay?"

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