Not Again, My Love.

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This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Not again. I reach for her cold hand from the floor. "Don't die on me. Please don't go. Don't leave me."

_____________________________Hours before___________________________________

Prim's P.O.V

"I'll be back in a little bit. I have to meet the guys at the studio for a but. It won't be but a few hours." Harry says, kissing my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too. Be safe. Sing good. Don't do anything stupid." I peck his lips.

He dashes out the door and I am left alone in the kitchen. I hear his car role out of the driveway. I find my way to Harry's  bedroom where I slept last night. I plop onto the soft mattress and pick my phone up. I click into twitter. What a wonderful idea; read the horrible comment people leave for me. I will not cut my skin again. I promised. That's why I haven't done it three months. And I'm glad I haven't done it that long. But just because I stopped cutting doesn't mean I stopped having suicidal thoughts. They haunt me.

I scroll through twitter, the comments are pretty fair. Not one cruel one so far. That was I came across one that read, "Primrose Tomlinson is such an ugly slut. I don't know what Harry sees in her. She cuts for attention and her whole life is a lie. She doesn't deserve Harry." And it was all down hill from there.

I can't remember exactly how many I read, or what they all said. But I do remember crying on the floor. My hands fumble around for my bag. I rip open my purse and dump the contents onto the floor. An orange bottle falls and rolls to my knees. I open it quickly. The medicine my doctor prescribed after my attempt. Before I take any pills, I find a pen and paper. I leave a quick note for Harry.

Then I take the pills.

Harry's P.O.V

I open the door, expecting to see Prim lying on the couch. But she's not there. I look into the kitchen but she isn't there either. It's late. Maybe she went to sleep in my bed. I run up the steps, almost breaking the door to my bedroom. "Prim?" She isn't asleep in my bed. "Primrose! Are you here?" I get no reply. I draw my phone from my pocket and dial her number. Pick up Prim. Pick up the phone. Instead of answering, I hear her phone ringing. I almost fall while running down the steps. I follow the ringing into the guest bedroom where Prim is staying for a couple of nights.

I open the door and crumble like a piece of paper. Tears fall like rain. There she is. The love of my life. Lying on the floor in one of my shirts. A orange, prescription pill bottle lies by her lifeless body. "Prim..." My voice breaks. I fall to my knees. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Not again. I reach for her cold hand from the floor. "Don't die on me. Please don't go. Don't leave me." I feel her wrist for a pulse. And there is one. But it's slow and I know she's dying. No. I am not losing her.

A paper beside her catches me eye.

Harry, if you're reading this, I'm probably gone. I just want you to know that I love you with all my body, heart, and soul to death. I'm sorry. I just can't handle myself anymore.


Underneath her name is a poem.

Eenie meenie minnie mo.
Let the pills slide down my throat.
One by one
Or two by two
I'll commit the perfect crime.
If I holler, you will know.
I took my life; I had to go.

Then I lose it. I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom as I scream "Don't go, Primrose Addison. Don't die. Don't leave me!" I yelled and yelled until I had her in my lap on the bathroom floor. I slid my fingers down her throat until she puked all over the bathroom floor. The pills were no longer in her body but on the floor. "Oh Primmy. Oh Primrose.
I scream with joy. Prim's sobs fill the room.
"Oh Prim. Thank God. I'm not going lose you again." I sob.
Prim's cries are loud. I kiss the back of her neck and her cheek.
"Harry!" She screams. "What have you done?" Her sobs become louder. "I was supposed to die!"

"No. Prim! No! I am not letting you go!" I try not to sob

"I don't want to be alive."

"No. You're not going to die. You are not. You are safe here. In my arms. I am not letting you go. No, not again, my love."

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