Beautiful Mess

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Prim's P.O.V

My body is weak.

My eyes are swollen.

How could he?

I was supposed to die and end my life.

I wanted that and he stopped me.

I open my eyes and notice I'm in the shower. Harry is right behind me. We are both dressed. I wash the vomit off my face.

I don't want to be right here anymore.

I look down at my clothes. I am in Harry's shirt. It goes down to the middle of my thigh and it's covered in puke. I strip it off and throw it on the floor. All I have on is my underwear.

Did he make me vomit? Did he really care about me so much that he had made me vomit the pills rather than die?

I sob even harder.

Maybe it okay that I lived. For Harry's sake.

I step out of the tub and my legs shake and I slip. Harry catches me.

My lips are parted. My legs are shaking. My body is weak. My life is destroyed.

I slowly walk out of the bathroom.

I don't know exactly where I am going. But I'm not staying in there.

I pass by a mirror in the hallway. What I see is terrifying. My hair is soaked and all over the place. My face is blotchy and my eyes are red. Harry appears behind me. "You still look beautiful."

I break. Tears rush like waterfalls. Harry watches me in the mirror. But he doesn't move. He just stands behind me and watches. Then I see him clearly through my blurry eyes. His hair is messier than mine. The skin around his eyes is all red. And that's when I see it. He needs me. He can't lose me. He actually loves me.

I smile at Harry's reflection. But my smile is broken. I turn around and pull him close. "I love you Harry." I whisper into his ear. "I know." he mumbles back. "I love you too."

I pull from his embrace and make my way to the stairwell. Harry doesn't move.

I slowly drag myself up the steps and into Harry bedroom. I stand in front of his dresser. I slowly remove my soaked undergarments. I sling them down on the floor. I open up his dresser and put on the first shirt I see. I pull on a pair of his boxers as well. All my movements are slow.

I jump when I feel Harry press his lips to my neck. I spin around and throw my arms around his neck and kiss him. Which I know is pretty disgusting since I just threw up.

Harry takes me to his bed. I lay down and he follows, holding me tight while I cry.

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