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My vision was still blurry and for once I felt like I was alone. I tried to gaze around me and saw no figures standing over me, my vision became clear. I was in Caesar's hut ... again.
All I could think about was Carver attacking me, I felt my head and it still hurt but it wasn't bleeding anymore. I knew I had to change my clothes because they were covered in dirt, I noticed my backpack in the back of Caesar's hut. I got up and walked over to where my backpack was placed, and grabbed my blue long-sleeved shirt and leggings.
I stripped off my clothes besides my undergarments noticing it was sprinkling outside. I held out my hand outside until it filled a little bit with water and rubbed it all over my body, getting the dirt off every inch of my body including my hair.
*screams* ... Blue Eyes walked into the hut and just stood there staring me in my tan bra and black thong as shocked as I was. We just looked at each other for an awkward minute until he decided to slowly back out of the hut.
Relieved that he was finally gone, I got finished changing. Noticing that he was still standing outside the hut because I saw a shadow.
"You can come in now Blue" I said as I sat down on the moss bed I woke up in.
He walked in slowly and sat down in front of me.
Sorry I came in like that, I didn't know you were awake he signed
"It's cool, sorry I was intruding"
You weren't intruding, I brought you here so I can keep an eye on you
*smiles* "Are you sure Caesar and Cornelia didn't mind?"
Not at all, my mother is the one that helped with your head wound
*gasps* "She's feeling better"
Ya ... thanks to you ... I'm sorry about my behavior before
"It's fine"
*held out his hand* "Forgive ... me" he said with his husky voice
I brushed my hand against his "You're forgiven"
He lifted his head up and smiled at me.
Oh my family was about to have dinner, care to join us
"Sure" he then grabbed my hand and guided me out of the hut and to his family. I saw Caesar and Cornelia smiling when they saw me.
We got to Blue Eyes' s family where they were having dinner and he sat me down next to him.
"How are you feeling?" Caesar asked
"Better. Thanks for allowing me to stay with you guys while I was reviving"
It's no problem, it's the least we could if done since you saved my life Cornelia signed.
I looked around "Hey where's Liz?"
She's having dinner with Ash and Rocket Blue Eyes signed
"Ariana. I've talked to the apes and most of us would love to have you guys live here with us" Caesar said.
"Really, we wouldn't be a bother?"
Of course not Cornelia signed.
"Thanks so much! But what apes didn't agree to have us live here?"
Some apes that follow Koba Blue Eyes signed
"Don't you follow Koba?"
I used to ... until I met you
I started blushing

*30 minutes later*

"Dinner was delicious, thank you guys so much"
"No problem" Caesar said
As I placed the wooden food dish down the baby chimp crawled up my leg and started gibbering. I helped him up onto my lap and started petting his head as he was poking at my shirt.
Cornelius don't be rude Cornelia signed
"Oh he's fine! Very cute"
"Son ... why don't you show Ari to her hut"
He nodded to his father's command and took me by the wrist to show me to my new living space. I got up and handed Cornelius to his mother and followed Blue Eyes.
He still had a hold of my wrist as I passed by a familiar female ape who glared at me ... Lake. Then I gently brushed Blue Eyes' s hand off my wrist as we arrived at a hut.
Here's your hut he signed
"Wow! It's beautiful, were there flowers already here?"
No. I organized it for you, so it can make you comfortable.
I gazed around, "I love it! I hope it didn't take to much of your time doing this" I said as I sat down on my new moss/flower bed.
Blue Eyes walked through the flower/vine curtain and sat down in front of me.
Don't worry. The only thing I missed was going to the human city
"Who went to the human city and why?"
My father and a lot of other apes went down there to basically tell them that this is our home and the human colony is theirs. So they know to stay away from our territory
*chuckles* "I guess they got the messege"
Ya ... I guess they did.
Whats wrong?
*shakes head* "Nothing"
Doesn't seem like nothing. Tell me whats wrong
"Do you like ... have a girlfriend or a mate?"
No, what made you think that?
"It's just that um ... nothing just curious"
Don't lie, what brought that up? Did a female approach you or something?
What did she say?
"Nothing she just seemed like she liked you and thought I was taking you away from her"
Don't listen to her. It's my choice whether I choose to be around you or not ... what was her name?
I wanted to tell him but I knew I couldn't. "I don't remember"
Do you remeber what she looked like ... maybe I know her?
"Uh ... no I don't" I lied again
Okay well if you do let me know he signed as he started to get up ... but then stopped himself.
I scooted closer to him "Are you okay?"
Not really
"Whats wrong?"
He didn't answer but closed his eyes and sighed heavily.
He then let out a big breath, grabbed my face and kissed me. He was kissing me and I was kissing him ... I was in shock. It felt warm and it felt right ... I closed my eyes and began brushing his hair. 
We both released when we heard someone's footsteps and then came through my curtains. It was Liz ...
"Oh my god Ari you're awake" she said as she came running to me and hugged me. As we were hugging I looked at Blue Eyes and we smiled at each other as he left to go back to his and his family's hut.
"You okay Ari?"
"Ya I'm fine ... how about you?"
"I'm great!"
*chuckles* "Why so great?"
"One we found a home. Two I've been hanging with Ash while you were still knocked out for a little bit!"
"Did something happen between you two or something?" *smiles*
"I'll tell you what happened between us only ... if you tell me why I saw you and Blue Eyes kissing!"

Hey readers hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I couldn't wait to show the feelings Ari and Blue Eyes had for each other. ♡♡♡♡♡

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